Krkobabic: “Let’s protect the border villages!”

The Minister for Rural Care, Milan Krkobabić, emphasized the importance of the border areas of Serbia during his visit to the Central Banat district and villages in Sečnje. He pointed out that these areas deserve special attention and full support from the state, and that it is important for young people to stay in the villages. According to him, Serbia cannot exist without villages, and border villages represent the foundation of survival. Krkobabic pointed out the need for larger budget funds that will enable the development of these areas and contribute to improving the quality of life of the local population.

My Thing

During the visit, the minister opened the event Michaelmas Meetings of the Villages in the village of Jaša Tomić, which is organized thanks to the funds of the Ministry for the Care of the Village. This manifestation, which is held for the fourth year in a row, gathered hundreds of visitors and included a diverse program. Craft products, handicrafts and specialties were presented at the ethnic bazaar, while cultural and artistic societies performed various performances. One of the attractions was the “Jaša Tomić photo safari”, where more than 100 photographers from Serbia and abroad documented life in this Banat village. 85 photos were exhibited, and visitors had the opportunity to vote for the winning photo.

Krkobabic is still active for the welfare of the Serbian peasant

Milan Grubor, deputy president of Sečanj municipality, expressed his gratitude to Minister Krkobabić for his visit and investments in the municipality. During the previous four years, the Ministry helped the work of three cooperatives in Sečnje, 86 abandoned rural houses were moved in, a minibus was allocated to transport the rural population, and funds were provided for the organization of Michaelmas meetings.

Source: Ministry of Rural Affairs

Minister Krkobabic also visited the village of Boka, where he spoke with the winners of houses in the House of Culture. This program of revival of rural homes resulted in the restoration of 18 houses in Boka. Nebojša Oberknežev, Assistant Provincial Secretary for Energy and Investments, addressed the media. He emphasized the importance of Krkobabic’s visit and confirmed that the locals feel the consequences of the investments. He hopes for continued cooperation, which would include:

  • renovation of the House of Culture;
  • settling the remaining abandoned houses;
  • providing an additional minibus for transporting children and the elderly.

This visit and manifestation indicate the determination of the state to provide support to rural areas, empowering communities and providing them with a better standard of living. Krkobabic’s initiative to improve life in villages and develop border areas confirms the importance of these regions for the entire society.

Source: Politics
