Kurti “spoiled” himself: Give us the questionnaire as soon as possible.

Kosovo online

Aljbin Kurti

Kosovo Prime Minister Aljbin Kurti said that today at the Summit of the Berlin Process he requested the abolition of punitive measures and called for Kosovo to be given the status of a candidate country for EU membership, reports RTK.

– At the meetings, we demanded that unjust penal measures be abolished in Kosovo, that it be given the status of a candidate country and that a questionnaire be sent to us as soon as possible, which we will fill out with discipline and patience, because we neither have nor want to have an alternative to the European Union – Kurti said. to journalists in Berlin.

According to him, the agreements reached during the Summit bring the region closer together and speed up the path to the EU.

– The tenth anniversary of the Berlin Process was crowned with an agreement on access to studies and an action plan for the common regional market 2025-2028. This is a joint achievement, which will undoubtedly be useful and bringing the region closer together, while simultaneously securing and accelerating the European path – said Kurti.

Source: www.vesti-online.com