Labor Inspection concludes that the Mexican dancers were scholarship holders

“There is no evidence to indicate that the internships developed by the interns imply a hidden employment relationship.” This is the conclusion reached by the Provincial Labor Inspection regarding the seventeen Mexican dancers who participated in the musical produced by Nacho Cano. The report sent to the Court of Instruction Number 19 of Madrid, and to which Vozpópuli has had access, concludes that the work carried out by the young artists in Malinche respond to the terms of “non-labor practices” and that participation in the show produced by the Mecano singer was done “under the protection of the scholarship” promoted by Malinche.

This writing, which covers 17 pages information and documentation related to enrollment, scholarship financing and data on the rest of the cast of the musical, represents new support for the thesis defended by Nacho Cano. The Madrid artist and his team have defended from the beginning of the investigation that the production company’s objective was to train young talents through a scholarship system developed by the Jana School.

Now, Trabajo supports this version and confirms that “it has not been possible to verify” that the company needed to fill with interns the position that in this case would have been occupied by a salaried person. In this way, he points out that Malinche had – at the time the police investigation against Nacho Cano was taking place – with a staff of 64 people, who formed the cast of artists who carried out the scenic workwithout counting on the production, sound, etc. people.

Among the considerations added in the report sent to the court in charge of the investigation against Nacho Cano, includes the fact that the people hired by Malinche “act in the musical in the performances that take place from Wednesday to Sunday,” while that the scholarship holders “only participate in some of them on Fridays and Saturdays”. According to the document, the Mexican dancers did their practices in Malinche’s musical, as a collaboration, in such a way that, “the tasks carried out by the 17 scholarship holders were not the same as those of the people who are part of the cast.” of musical artists”.

Regarding the origin of the scholarship and the entity in charge of the training system, the Casa de México only granted a scholarship to three of the students, so Nacho Cano’s production company had to take care of the scholarship for most of the students. dancers who came to Spain. In the same line, the Provincial Labor Inspection points out that Malinche covered the expenses generated by the scholarship recipients during their stay in Spain, reaching – according to the data sent by the company itself – a total of more than 30,000 euros in one year, 17,000 euros per student.

Nacho Cano’s scholarship recipients could remain in Spain

In parallel, several contentious-administrative courts in Madrid have ruled in favor of seven of the musical’s scholarship recipients being able to remain in Spain provisionally. After the Contentious-Administrative Courts Number 6 and 9 of Madrid agreed two weeks ago to suspend the resolution of the Government Delegation by which the extension of studies was denied to two of the Mexican dancers, four other courts have ruled in favor of the precautionary measure requested by the Madrid artist’s lawyers.

Nacho Cano and the scholarship recipients from the musical Malinche

Since the beginning of the police investigation that ended with the arrest of the Madrid singer last July, Their lawyers have defended that the dancers have never been irregular in the country. They maintain that entry through Barajas Airport with a tourist visa This is a “usual procedure” and that, immediately afterwards, the corresponding study permit was issued.

Meanwhile, Judge Inmaculada Iglesias is advancing the investigation against Nacho Cano for an alleged crime against the rights of the immigrant population and another against the rights of workers. For the moment, the judge has rejected as documentary evidence the messages provided by the defense, in which the complainant asked for 6,000 euros and a letter of recommendation signed by the music producer in exchange for her silence, considering that are “irrelevant” to the “clarification of the facts” of the procedure.
