Last places available for the Fira del Roser paddle tournament

Registrations are still open for the Fira del Roser Paddle Tournament, an event that no lover of this sport should miss. The competition, organized by the Martorell Padel Club, will be held on the weekend of October 4, 5 and 6 at the Courts of the Can Cases Municipal Pavilion and has a limited number of places. Today, there are still a few places available to participate.

The coordinator of the Martorell Padel Club, Pau Quílez, explains that it is a tournament that makes them especially excited because “it symbolizes the return of summer and there is a reunion with the players of the club. We hope there will be a great atmosphere and a great level of paddle”. In addition, Quílez adds that the Fira del Roser Tournament “is one of the three most important that we organize, together with the charity Red Cross and the Fira de Primavera”.

Pau Quílez, coordinador Martorell Pàdel Club

The Fira del Roser Tournament will be divided into different categories: 1st, 2nd and 3rd male; 1st, 2nd and 3rd female; and Under16. From Friday afternoon until Saturday, the group stage of the different categories will be played, and on Sunday the final stage of the championship will be played. All players will play a minimum of two matches.

Pau Quílez emphasizes that in the women’s 3rd category “girls are signing up who have only been playing paddle for a short time, but they are encouraged to compete and a fantastic atmosphere is created”, therefore, he invites all those girls who are just starting out in this sport to register because “this category is ideal for this type of player”.

Pau Quílez, coordinador Martorell Pàdel Club

People interested in signing up for this new edition of the Rose Fair Tournament can do so by calling the coordinator of the Martorell Padel Club (633 51 57 08) or by approaching the club offices (Can Cases ), on Carrer de Josep Vilar s/n, and registering in person. They can also request information about the tournament by sending an email to

The players who want to participate will have to pay a registration fee: 25 euros for members and 30 euros for non-members. The organization ensures that all participants play a minimum of two matches of 9 games and a Welcome Pack of sports equipment.

The club’s coordinator states that they face this tournament “with great desire and enthusiasm, as always. We hope that those who do not come to play, will come to be able to watch the matches and enjoy good padel and a good atmosphere”.

Pau Quílez, coordinador Martorell Pàdel Club

In this edition of the Fira del Roser padel tournament, the winners will receive a voucher to spend at the Base Sayas Sports store in Martorell. The champions will have one amount and the runners-up another, to be able to enjoy the products of this local trade. The club, as always, will also make the traditional presentation of trophies.
