Places available for the free digital training courses taught by the Molí Fariner Economic Promotion Centerattached to the State Network of Digital Training Centers. These courses train in basic digital skills so that participants can improve the use of new technologies. Those interested can sign up for the course planned from 15 to 28 November (intensive) in the mornings, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 9.15am to 12.15pm.
The courses are aimed at all levels of digital knowledge. The duration is 30 hours and aspects such as digital literacy, the digital certificate, administrative procedures, online communication, safe browsing and the creation of digital content are learned.
This training is aimed at people, from the age of 18, who have IT concerns, who lack a digital certificate, want to know the procedures that can be done through the computer and mobile phone, or who want to communicate through digital applications safely, recalls the Economic Promotion technique, Carme Moles.
Carme Moles, tècnica de Promoció Econòmica
Depending on the entry level, the course includes basics of WordPress, Google Drive or Trello; how to search and compare flight prices for a trip; make an appointment with the doctor; master the use of the idCAT certificate and the digital signature; master email and instant messaging, among others. In addition to the individual training, there are different face-to-face editions in groups of the same level in order to achieve the maximum practical knowledge.
This digital training is financed by the European Union’s NextGenerationEU funds and by the Ministry of Education, Professional Training and Sports and the State Government’s Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
More information at the Molí Fariner Economic Promotion Center (camí del Riu s/n, on telephones 93 775 31 01 and 630 88 45 28, and on the email or access the website