Laura breaks down after her tense conversation with Manu: “I don’t want to know her anymore”

The fiesta sweet of ‘Big Brother’ It has ended in the most bitter way, as we have been able to see through the minutes of this Friday. Around half past one in the morning, Manu Vulcan has surprised by giving a muffin to Elsawhich has caused the discontent Laura. The Basque woman has reacted quickly and draws her own conclusions: “It’s that they are jealousy. He looks at me dirty–there’s already too much going on. Why do I have to put up with this?” she complains.

Manu seems to laugh at it and downplays what is happening. In fact, he jokes about the idea that a new contestant arrives that he really likes and that this could be a sentimental bomb in the house. After this, Elsa lets off steam with Mother“She looks at me with a disgusted face and when I get closer she moves away,” he insists. For her part, Maica tells him, “I understand you better than anyone. The first week I was anxious because of her disgusted looks, her comments and glances. The first day I cried for her.”

Laura and Manu’s conversation

The conversation between Laura and Manu was not long in coming. It was he who approached her to talk after noticing that she was not feeling well. At first, she was reluctant to have that conversation, but they ended up talking. “It seems surreal to me that for a muffin…”, he begins to say. “That’s it, I’ve got a lot of things clear now,” she replies. daughter of Maria Jose GaleraHe laughs and she stops him: “I don’t find it funny.” Manu says that the muffin game was just that, a game, and Laura reacts:

Laura and

“For you, she’s the sweetest, for me you’re the sweetest. That’s it.” Manu doesn’t understand that, if there’s no problem with what they’re talking about, why she reacts like that. “I know that you look at me as what we are, friends. What do you want me to tell you, Manu? It’s that it seems that you’ve fallen a thousand times, my soul. You you see me as a friend. I don’t. That’s the difference, do you understand or should I make it clearer? It’s difficult for me, if you understand it well, well, if not, I’m sorry.”

Manu reminds her of the conversation they had a week ago in which she declared her love for him and tells her that he has already told her “what is there.” But the strain seems to open a door in this conversation (because he tells her that, if her feelings for him have gone further, she should have confessed it to him) and ends with her saying the following: “Why do you want to know, is anything going to change? If we are going to continue the same… What do I have to tell you? ‘I like you’ Just so you know? Pixa, it’s from first grade… I don’t know if it’s because you’re an uncle, you’re a jerk or you’re from Cadiz, but I think everyone and all of Spain sees it,” he says before leaving.

Manu distances himself from Laura and she ends up on the verge of tears

Manu laughs and comments with other colleagues about the fact that she told him that he “is drunk.” Laura is annoyed that, of all the conversation they have had, she has only stayed with that. Afterwards, she talks to Lucía and tells her that she feels bad for Manu and for everything that has happened between them. For his part, he shows hurt because of what Laura has done on the sofa and he confesses to Adrián that, if he had any doubts about his feelings towards Laura, they have now been cleared up:

“I no longer feel like meeting her outside, I have seen behaviors that I do not like. Tomorrow I am going to tell her that the close relationship is over, that education is over and that’s it. She is cutting me off relations with all the girls in the house. Nerea doesn’t approach me for her, the same with Elsa, Maica no longer because she is with Adri and the new one if I approach her the same. Not with me with those things,” says the Andalusian. Meanwhile, the night ends for Laura in her bed and on the verge of tears.

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