Leaders and Viagra

Since the tyrants of the world have grown old, they look more and more often – if their bellies allow it – below their belts, and then give their constituents (apparently also themselves) the inspiring command: “Be great again!” Obviously, this can explain Putin’s longing as the master of the “collapsed” Russia for the former Soviet Union or Trump’s for World War II. to the greatness of the USA, which was respected as the master of the world after World War II; but also Xi Jinping’s military exercises based on the “One China principle” to occupy Taiwan and Viktor Orbán’s world-shaking plans, as well as the closing sentence of his speech as president of the European Union.

MACOSOS OF THE WORLD, UNITE! I don’t dare to say that aggressiveness is exclusively a male trait, but I do say that in the countries of the world, the difficulties of economic growth, financial disturbances, and internal tensions arising from blatant social inequality, male politicians tend to use sword-clattering, military parades that recall the old glory of their masculinity, and even war for their country. cover it up by driving them into adventures – if they can’t fix it once. In this way, political incompetence is combined with the cloaking of masculine impotence with artificial means, which cannot be solved by anything other than aggressive outbursts, insulting the dignity of others, war games, in short, the Viagra of political big boys.

Perhaps this is why the game is only interesting for them as long as they win, or vice versa, they have to play and pull the strings until they leave the stage victorious. They blow the whistle on the rules of the game: that’s why Putin fired the II. ending World War II and declaring the inviolability of borders, Trump’s centuries-old American tradition of peaceful transfer of power after elections, the Hungarian leader’s rule of law based on a system of checks and balances.

EMPEROR OR CITIZEN? Leaders, dizzy with their own (perceived) greatness, are happy to show themselves off. Putin gallops shirtless on horseback as a powerhouse, Trump is the popular star of TV series, Xi Jinping is the “Red Prince”, the lord of the three thousand-member Chinese parliament,

And Orbán shows the female leaders that he does not value them with a mime hand kiss accompanied by an emphatic bow.

Those who regard the voters as equal citizens, share their thoughts, instead of making firm statements, they give arguments for choosing between options, they do not just talk to them, but also initiate a conversation with them. So did George Washington, John Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, Mark Rutte, Willy Brandt, Helmut Schmidt, Árpád Göncz. They knew exactly, what’s more, they felt that political leaders are intellectuals, they are no more than respondents, they can at most examine from several sides what citizens in everyday life only know from one side. The leader of the citizens, the politician, does not have ONE cause. Against him, the emperor has only one cause: the preservation of himself, his own power, and the protection of his own wealth.

I WILL PAY THEM! According to legend, the Hungarian leader said this sentence nearly three decades ago, when a rival party leader asked him how it was that there were no debates in Fidesz. It is relatively easy to maintain the authority of the top leader if the financial dependence is strong and the leader (or Lajos Simicska until the day of O1G) keeps an eye on him on the payroll.

The organizational principle “I pay them” now covers almost all members of the National Assembly, since, based on the regulations introduced by the NER, the members receive the same salary as the manager of a medium-sized company. According to the NER regulations, the representative’s basic salary is three times the official (KSH) gross average salary, which is now 3 x HUF 636,700, i.e. 1.9 million. But every representative is present in some parliamentary committee, and in this case it is already 1.2 times the basic fee, i.e. HUF 2.3 million. Added to this is the rent of any rented office space or apartment, as well as the reimbursement of gasoline and mobile phone costs.

It is difficult to leave this really significant amount and bravely sword “without Viagra”. It is no wonder that only a few representatives can afford to confront the leader or the supervisor of the representatives’ payment list, the president of the parliament (in Hofi’s words: the moustache). With such sword and money power, even without Viagra, the leader’s is the greatest (word).

THE FATHER OF THE COUNTRY. Perhaps it is no coincidence that in tyrannical or tyrannical systems striving for power, it is difficult to find women in the government of political leaders. No matter how extreme the Italian Meloni IS considered, in addition to being a woman herself, a quarter of her 28-member government is female; in the 27-member government of Spain’s Sanchez, the number of women is 12; there are nine women in the 17-member government of the German Scholz; a third of Poland’s Tusk government (10 out of 32) are women. I won’t go on, although it would be worthwhile to talk about the Latvian, Lithuanian or Czech, Dutch governments, but everywhere we see that the prime ministers who bear political responsibility consider it of utmost importance that the voters do not see them as “tsar-daddy”, the father of the homeland should be regarded as the leader of a responsible team working on the well-being and prosperity of all sections of the people (emphatically women).

More simply, the leaders of the enlightened, modern states want the good of the country and not the good of the Hungarian leader, so everyone in the government shares the common responsibility, whether they are men or women, or openly gay. A leader responsible for his people and his people’s well-being can soften, the father of the country is always militarily rock-hard.

USE OF WORDS. I don’t know if it has occurred to the dear reader that in our country hardly any politician talks about taxpayers’ money. We know that public money sometimes loses its character as public money, but we almost never hear about the fact that this public money actually comes from taxpayers (Hungarian, Danish, German, Spanish).

Perhaps this is why, when the Minister of Finance regretfully declares that he is no longer running on something, he always talks about the budget, as if the budget just happens to come across the street, and it is not that the taxpayers really expect him to think it through. , calculate what you spend their money on.

That is why I am amazed when the leaders of the opposition promise that if they win, they will indeed bring home the Hungarians’ money from Brussels. It’s a small thing, but the “Hungarians’ money” was collected by the taxpayers of the union (German, Danish, Dutch guys), so this is just as much “Hungarians’ money” as if they were spying on behalf of Hungarians in the former “spy bank” (International Investment Bank). I am also surprised when the European Union and Brussels are sometimes spoken of as our enemy, which must be “conquered”, and at the same time as our servant who works for us.

It is difficult to decide whether the usage of the word changes because the Viagra was taken or, on the contrary, the leader took more than prescribed.

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Source: nepszava.hu