League against cancer collection takes place at a time when requests for support are growing – Society

The Portuguese League Against Cancer (LPCC) is holding its national campaign from October 31st to November 3rd, at a time when requests for support for the institution are increasing, the organization’s president told Lusa.

“Portuguese society currently has economic difficulties, social difficulties, and the requests that reach the league are increasing”, said Vítor Veloso, highlighting the importance of the fundraising, one of the institution’s main sources of financing.

Data from the LPCC indicate that, in 2023, the institution provided more than 1.5 million euros to purchase medicines, prosthetics, transport to consultations and treatments, and food for the most needy patients, for a total of 17,864 patients.

“As is evident, we can only give a voice and respond to these situations if, in fact, we have adequate economic support for this to happen”, commented Vítor Veloso.

The collection will count on the help of around 20 thousand volunteers who will be duly identified to ask in cemeteries, churches, large supermarkets, and also on the main streets and avenues of the country’s cities.

Vítor Veloso called for “this collection to be, once again, a way for the Portuguese population to show their generosity and support for the Portuguese League Against Cancer”, so that the support given to patients, families and survivors “is continuous and growing ” and the League can continue to carry out its activities.

“This is a collective effort that unites us around a cause that touches everyone.

Every contribution, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in the lives of those facing this disease”, he declared. He also asked the population to “treat well” the volunteers who “give kindness and hours of their lives” to a cause that “It’s extremely important.”

With music provided by musician Jorge Palma, this year’s Peditório Nacional campaign is led by real people who suffer from cancer and challenge Portugal to share their “weight”.

With the motto “Can someone have a little bit of my cancer?”, the film from the production company “The End”, with the creative execution of Lola Normajean, the campaign aims to highlight the importance of sharing to reduce the impact of the disease, because ” Cancer is a very heavy thing for just one person.”

Vítor Veloso is grateful for the generous way in which the population has participated in previous fundraising campaigns and renews the call for participation, whether through donations, volunteering or promoting the National Collection on social media.

In the collection carried out at the end of 2023, LPPC raised 1,633,944 euros, 3% more compared to the previous year.

Portugal maintains a high incidence of cancer, with more than 69,000 new diagnoses registered in 2022, according to the World Health Organization’s Global Cancer Observatory.

Cancer remains one of the main causes of morbidity, disability and mortality in the country, affecting various dimensions of the lives of patients, families and society.

Source: www.cmjornal.pt