LEGO’s Way to Fall: These Sets Will Bring the Meadow Back to Your Home

Although the high temperatures are still there, you can already feel the coming of autumn in the air. The leaves are losing their shine, and there are fewer and fewer flowers around. LEGO comes to the rescue, bringing plants that will not lose their colors.

Each season has its supporters and opponents. However, I have the impression that no transition evokes as many emotions as the one that is already announced outside the windows. The end of summer is in sight, there is simply no hiding the fact that the leaves are losing their shine and the air has a different taste. You would like to do something about it, but unfortunately, there are no strong ones for the seasons. Fortunately, support can be found in a rather unexpected place. The Danish manufacturer of world-famous blocks comes to the rescue.

Let yourself be enchanted!

This has already been said more than once. Let’s get carried away by it again: LEGO is not just for children! And imagination has many dimensions. For some, it will be an endless field of possibilities for mixing various elements of blocks from different sets. For others, LEGO will be synonymous with harmony as they meticulously add another part of the model. In turn, with flowers, we managed to achieve a balance between these two worlds. First, piece by piece, the stem receives life, and over time it gains colors and strength with the help of colorful petals. For this reason, September seems to be the perfect time to start an adventure with LEGO plants. We feel a bit of summer, but also a cooler wind, pushing us towards the comfort of home, encouraging us to calm down.



The moment when we are looking for a place for ourselves is a moment that should be cherished. In principle, exactly the same way as we should care for flowers, and also with great sensitivity. Sometimes it is easier, other times it is more difficult, despite the strong desire to follow our own heart. Anyone who cannot sacrifice themselves for living plants, but appreciates their delicate beauty, will find joy in orchid. This set of 322 elements will provide the joy of connecting subsequent blocks and will enchant you with its elegance. The harmony of pink flowers contrasts beautifully with the stability of the blue of the pot. The whole is enlivened by the juicy green of the leaves, deceptively resembling the real ones.

The seasons and humans have a charming common denominator. At first, they shyly begin to signal their existence, and then, moment by moment, sometimes with greater verve, other times with restraint, they blossom. When the green outside the windows changes into increasingly warmer colors, it is worth finding a moment for yourself at chrysanthemums. These are just 278 elements that we will change and create an elegant pot and flowers, whose petals can be opened, deciding the stage of the flower’s life. From bud to full bloom.



However, when we want to allow ourselves a bit of freedom, while extending our moments with sunny days. It is worth turning to LEGO Sunflowers. These modestly made models fit perfectly into every nook and cranny of a house or apartment. Thanks to their unobtrusive construction, they are ideal for hiding in a place that is visited less often or quite the opposite! They are ideal for a good start to the day in a small vase in the hallway.


After the first few items, you might think that I am a fan of potted plants and I don’t intend to disagree with this opinion! Especially when working from home, the presence of plants, their soothing peace and life-giving greenery, pleasantly envelops and makes you want to work.

However, it is still an element inextricably linked to the home space. To breathe the true, wild spirit of the meadow, you have to leave the house and bring with you picked plants. They will create bouquets like no other. Sometimes stowaways also come out, so if someone does not like bugs, LEGO will be the perfect solution.

There are two bouquets to choose from. One is a classic, one of the first Botanical series, which is simply called “Flower Bouquet“. There is something very special about assembling this 375-piece set. Preparation begins with the stems, which, when set aside, gradually unlock the secrets of individual flowers. In addition, the instructions lift the veil of secrecy from the back and throw in interesting facts about selected blocks. For example, rose petals have never appeared in this color, and they are nothing more than… A car hood.


This set has been joined by the “Wildflower Bouquet”, containing the same number of parts, but opening up a lot of possibilities! In tandem with the previous set of flowers, you can create various compilations, adapting them to your mood, day or occasion. You can experiment with the length of the stems, or even their absence! The combination of these two bouquets is the quintessence of LEGO, because although whole models are mixed, isn’t that what these bricks are all about? To let your imagination run wild?

This series is still growing

The Botanical collection has been growing beautifully for several years now. It supposedly has its roots in the company headquarters, where one of the employees made flowers herself from available parts and distributed them around the office. Today, everyone can buy specially prepared models and enjoy them in their own home. The best thing is that it is still growing and putting down shoots in other collections and seasons. The bouquets are already available, for example, in the magical world of Harry Potter version. It is worth discovering for yourself where else they are hidden!
