Leo Wittwer jewelry

In the world of jewelry, there are many brands that are not the most famous, but definitely deserve attention. Their jewelry is no less luxurious than those from world-famous brands, and they stand out for their originality and magnificence. Among such brands we can also include jewelry from Leo Wittwerwhich, in addition to their endless luxury, also impress with their tradition, which dates back to 1920.

When modern meets classic

Ease and elegance, that’s probably the first thing you notice when looking at it jewelry by Leo Wittwer noticeably. The brand’s long history dating back to 1920 could testify to the fact that classics are preferred here from a design point of view. And it really is, the collections are interwoven with classic lines. However, these are mixed with modern trends and the jewelry is so appealing to luxury lovers of all generations. The entire production process is taken care of by experienced artistic jewelers who work with noble gold and the highest quality gems. The result is therefore a real treat for the eye.

Flash the cross

Every brand has its own icon for which it is known, loved and sought after. And Leo Wittwer has it too. Gold crosses in many variants have become the core product of this brand. The brand introduced its famous design in 1990 and since then their crosses have enjoyed immense popularity. You can choose from many of its forms. You can bet on the original one, i.e. a cross with diamonds set in white and yellow gold, when just setting the diamonds takes about 80 hours and is literally microscopic work. In the course of time, however, a number of other, no less elaborate variants were created. You can wear it as your personal talisman, but it will also be great as a gift for your loved ones. Go to one of Halada’s boutiques and discover their beauty with your own eyes.

Photo: Halada

Source: www.luxurymag.cz