Letter from a cancer patient to the ‘Jungle’: This is my adventure in Agios Savvas

Cancer patient Eleftherios Fusteris sent to Zougla a letter in which he tells about his adventure at the anti-cancer hospital Agios Savvas.

Check out everything he says:


“My Story begins on June 17, 2022 when the diagnosis came out and I learned that I have cancer of the Epiglottis. Panic, fear and despair overwhelmed me as I didn’t know how to handle it. In such cases, a lot of money is required for the doctors to see you in a private clinic, which I did not have.

For years I, like all of us, had this mistaken opinion that private is better than public.

Asking left and right, I reached Dr. Aristidis Chrysovergis ENT, then director at the Hippocrates Hospital and now at the ELPIS hospital. After seeing my tests and examining me personally he told me that a biopsy should be done immediately so that we can find out what stage I was in and how to treat it. I asked him how much it would cost me and when I could import. He told me I could in two days from the day he examined me. As for the cost he told me he doesn’t need anything as he is being paid by the hospital for his services. The admission and biopsy were done and when the results came back he told me that I should immediately do a series of chemotherapy combined with radiation. I started looking for an oncologist, a radiologist and a hospital that I could turn to. The cost privately was €6000 for the chemotherapy, €5000 for the radiation. In public hospitals there was a three-month waiting period to start. Desperate and disappointed, as the amount of money for me was huge, I reached Dr. Papalas Konstantina (radiologist oncologist) who saw my tests and the biopsy and decided that I should start chemotherapy immediately. On her own initiative and care, I was admitted to Agios Savvas hospital. The behavior of the staff towards each patient was exemplary. The nurses always with a smile, tireless and willing to help, Take all the shortages that hospitals have in hospital material.


After the cycle of chemotherapy was completed, the cycle of 28 radiations began immediately. After the radiation was over there was a few days of treatment at home and I was given instructions. I had to take tests every two months to see my progress. When I asked what I owed, he wouldn’t say a word.

The impressive thing is that these two scientists Dr. Konstantina Papala and Dr. Aristidis Chrysovergis, although they work in different hospitals, in my case, they cooperated flawlessly until today, which has been 2 years since the treatment.

I publicly owe them a huge thank you and in closing I would like to say, my friends, have confidence in the public hospitals that try every day with all their strength and with all the means they have, as the shortages are huge and especially in our doctors who, apart from being brilliant scientists are above all people.

With honor,

Eleftherios Fusteris”.

Source: www.zougla.gr