LG Electronics Releases ‘Sea Lion’ Video in Times Square, USA… Leading the Way in Protecting the Global Marine Ecosystem < ESG Management-Social Contribution < Article

LG Electronics announced on the 24th that it released the third video of the ‘LG Endangered Species Series’ themed on ‘Sea Lions’ on the Times Square billboard in New York City on the 23rd (local time).

This campaign is an activity that raises awareness about the importance of biodiversity and carbon emissions and global warming by displaying beautiful and dynamic images of animals endangered by climate change on the Times Square billboards in New York. The videos released in April (snow leopard) and July (bald eagle) have so far raised awareness about the importance of environmental protection to approximately 36 million Times Square visitors.

This video shows the severity of marine pollution by showing in 3D the appearance of ‘sea lions’ suffering from habitat destruction and lack of food due to marine debris and global warming. ‘Sea lions’ are designated as an endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and their population is known to have decreased by more than 60% over the past 40 years.

In particular, this video was released to coincide with Climate Week NYC, which began on the 22nd local time, and is expected to deliver the message of “clear sea, the beginning of a good life” to more people.

New York Climate Week is a large-scale climate event held annually since 2009 by the international non-profit organization ‘The Climate Group’ in collaboration with New York City and the United Nations General Assembly. This year, it will be held for a total of eight days from September 22 to 29, and governments, companies, and civic groups from around the world will gather to carry out various activities to respond to climate change.

Additionally, we will collaborate with global education specialist Discovery Education to produce educational materials related to ‘sea lions’ and distribute them free of charge online.

In addition, LG Electronics is carrying out biodiversity protection activities around the world and practicing ‘Better Life for All’.

Spain, for example, is leading the way in ocean protection with the ‘Smart Green Seas’ campaign, which plants seaweed in the Mediterranean Sea that is effective in absorbing carbon, and is also actively carrying out tree planting activities such as Spain’s ‘Smart Green Trees’, Saudi Arabia’s ‘LG Yalla Green’, India’s ‘LG Green Cover’, and Indonesia’s ‘LG Loves Green’.

LG Electronics North America Regional Director Jeong Gyu-hwang said, “We will continue our campaign to protect endangered species and spread the word about the seriousness of climate change and the importance of preserving biodiversity to customers around the world.”

Endangered Animal Protection Campaign with LG – Sea Lion Edition

Source: www.nextdaily.co.kr