Life-saving defibrillator drones already exist – technocrat

There are already life-saving defibrillator drones, drones that deliver blood and blood products or even medicine and food.

In 2022, the news appeared that in a test project, the drone directly saved a human life for the first time, when it delivered the life-saving defibrillator to an elderly Swedish man who fell ill while shoveling snow within minutes. There was only a doctor nearby, no device, but with the help of the drone it also reached the patient quickly. At a university in the Netherlands, thinking about this further, they developed a defibrillator that is in the drone itself. In Switzerland, Germany, the United States and Japan, there are medical drones that deliver blood and blood products to the appropriate medical facility or location in a short period of time.

But not only medical equipment can be transported by drone, but also food. It is also recent news that drone delivery has also started on the Great Wall of China: since there are places where there is no water or food within 50 minutes, in the event of an emergency, they will bring food to the tourist in trouble by drone, or even life-saving medicine if necessary. This can be increased even further, as a research group at the University of Technology in Lausanne made a rescue drone with edible wings from puffed rice slices, which increased the life-saving load ratio to 50 percent. The range of ideas brought to the protection of human life is endless: students of a Chinese university, for example, designed a drone that can save people jumping off buildings and that can be used well in serious fire incidents. The structure consists of four separate drones connected by a net and can be operated at any height.

Drones also play a major role in saving lives indirectly. In the summer, another Hungarian firefighting team of nearly 50 people put out the fire in North Macedonia, and the use of drones was particularly highlighted in connection with their assistance. In recent weeks, modern tools have been deployed in flood defense, and drone and helicopter pilots from the police and the army assisted the water specialists in mapping the flood directions of the Danube and preparing a rescue plan.

Despite the above, the focus is still on the 30 billion euro commercial, economic drone market, but drones appear in all segments of life. More and more professionals are needed who are not only involved in the development, but also in the operation of drones.

“The news from around the world also shows that many excellent ideas are first formulated in university research groups, and at Gábor Dénes University we encourage our students to think in such an open and creative way. With us, you can learn not only the technical parameters of drone technology, the theoretical and practical solutions of image processing, but also the efficient and mainly positive use of the extracted data – all with the involvement of artificial intelligence”

he said Dr. Dietz Ferenc, president of Gábor Dénes University.

According to forecasts, air traffic in the EU will increase by 50% in the next 20 years, by 2035 the unmanned aerial vehicle sector will employ more than 100,000 people, and the development of the sector will have an economic impact worth more than 10 billion euros per year.
