The newly announced ARD podcast “Berlin Code” will be about the big political issues of the week.
“Berlin Code” wants to decode the news from politics and make it understandable for everyone, as can be seen from the ARD announcement. Linda Zervakis will guide the listeners through the new podcast. The ARD quotes the presenter as follows: “News formats provide us with the most important topics of the day, but time is always limited. What current reporting cannot do is where ‘Berlin Code’ begins. I’m looking forward to making politics more explainable and decoding what’s happening here in political Berlin. This isn’t meant to be a niche podcast: you don’t have to be a politics nerd to hear it – just listen.”
You can listen to ARD’s new political podcast here
In each of the half-hour episodes, Linda Zervakis will speak to journalists from the ARD capital studio. Speeches, texts and appearances by politicians should be translated and explained in a relaxed atmosphere so that everyone can understand what the announcement promises.
Die first episode from “Berlin Code”, which is now available, is about the start of the election campaign for the upcoming early federal election. In the future, a new episode of the format will go online every Friday – in the ARD audio library and on other common podcast platforms. According to ARD, it is also planned to be broadcast on radio programs.