line blocked by bad weather for weeks

Landslide on the railway in Liguria. The line Turin-Savona suffered damage due to some landslides caused by the bad weather that hit the area Liguria. Trains will be diverted through the Altare hub for weeks.

Landslide on Turin Savona, RFI communication

Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (Rfi), the company of the Ferrovie dello Stato group which owns and manages almost all of the railways in our country, announced the interruption due to some landslides of the Turin-Savona line.

“The RFI technical staff present on site to monitor and supervise the railway line, following the alert, it ordered a stop to traffic on the Via Ferrania route of the Turin-San Giuseppe-Savona line which was affected by some landslides which require major restoration work” writes the company in a press release.

Photo source: Tuttocittà

Altare, the municipality through which the trains of the interrupted Turin Savona will pass

However, the closure was not the only measure taken by RFI for the stretch of the road Turin-Savona affected by landslides due to bad weather: trains were in fact diverted.

Trains diverted for weeks due to bad weather

In order not to interrupt the railway line affected by landslides due to bad weather a few kilometers from Savona, Rfi he therefore thought of a detour for the trains, which will pass through Altare.

“To allow the technicians of RFI and specialized companies to carry out the technical checks and the subsequent restoration of conditions of safe use, the railway line on via Ferrania will be interrupted to traffic for a few weeks with consequent remodulation of the offer in circulation on the Turin-Savona line which will follow the route via Altare” continued the press release.

More precise details on what the remodulation of the offer will be carried out and will be released in the next few days.

The elections in Liguria were also affected by bad weather

The bad weather that hit Liguria over the weekend of Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th October not only affected the traffic railway, but also the regional elections which take place between Sunday 27th and Monday 28th.

The authorities were forced to move the polling stations in some municipalities in the region, so that citizens would not risk putting themselves in danger in trying to reach them.

The centre-left candidate Andrea Orlando, Leaving the polling station where he voted, he expressed closeness to the affected populations and thanked the rescuers who made the elections possible.


Photo source: ANSA
