LinkedIn launches the Video Tab: what is it + 7 video tips

Maybe you’ve already heard it; LinkedIn launches the Video Tab. This interactive addition gives you the opportunity to discover insights and trends in a visual and accessible way through short form videos. It can be compared to TikTok or Instagram Reels.

With a 34% increase in the number of video uploads on LinkedIn, it is clear that video is becoming increasingly important there. The advantage of video is that your viewers on LinkedIn get a much better picture of you or your organization. People like to see who they are doing business with.

Why this new feature is important for professionals

LinkedIn research shows that 38% of Dutch professionals see short videos as the most useful and engaging way to consume information. Showing is often better than telling. A large part of our brain is constantly processing visual information. Watching a video generally requires less of the brain than reading a text.

According to Thomas de Man, Work & Career Editor at LinkedIn, videos generate 1.4 times more engagement than other formats on LinkedIn.

A new content experience on LinkedIn

By presenting the videos in a vertical feed, you can quickly scroll through relevant content and discover what is of value to you. Think short videos of professionals sharing insights on workplace trends, industry updates or personal career stories.

Video marketing is a powerful way to tell your story or the story of your organization. Out research by Animoto It turns out that you can increase the chance of a successful sale by 75% by using video content.

In addition to the Video Tab, LinkedIn continues to integrate videos into the regular feed, with the addition of a video carousel for even more visibility. This strategic placement not only increases engagement, but also ensures that videos become the core of the platform.

Please note: you cannot upload your video directly in the Video Tab, you simply do this during a status update and then click on ‘video’.

7 tips for successful videos on LinkedIn

With this new feature also comes a greater focus on video content creation. How do you ensure that your video stands out and adds value to your network?

screenshot video on LinkedIn: 'tips for videos on LinkedIn'

The 7 tips

  1. Start strong: grab your audience’s attention with a powerful opening line. This prevents viewers from quickly scrolling away and ensures that your message sticks. So pay attention to the first 3 seconds and immediately say what you want to say without a long intro.
  2. Minimize branding: Too much branding can distract from the content. Keep it simple and professional by avoiding using watermarks from other platforms.
  3. Film vertically: The new video feed is optimal for vertical videos, so make sure your content is tailored accordingly for maximum visibility.
  4. Keep it short: limit your videos to a maximum of 90 seconds. This keeps the viewer’s attention and makes it easier to get your message across.
  5. Use subtitles: LinkedIn is a silent medium and many users watch videos without sound, so subtitles are essential. This makes your content more accessible and clearer. Subtitling can be done, for example, with the CapCut app.
  6. Share valuable insights: Focus on content that showcases your expertise and helps others in their careers. Share tips, news and insights that will help your target group.
  7. Vacancy video: share a vacancy video and immediately show what a working day looks like.

Video Tab is currently being rolled out. Don’t have this yet? Then you just have to be patient. Would you like to see more Dutch videos? Then set your language setting to Dutch.

Are you ready to tell your story through video?
