List of foods that aggravate cough. Definitely to be avoided

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Foods that make coughing worse. When dealing with the flu or cold, every detail counts for a speedy recovery. Doctors draw attention to foods that can aggravate symptoms, especially cough.

Some foods irritate the throat, increase inflammation or contribute to the formation of mucus, prolonging the discomfort. Find out what to avoid to ease your symptoms and speed up the healing process.

Foods that make coughing worse

1. Dairy products: promote mucus

Milk and milk products such as cheese and yogurt can make coughing worse in some people. They contain casein and histidinesubstances that can stimulate the production of mucus, making breathing difficult and increasing throat irritation. Although the reaction varies from person to person, doctors recommend temporarily avoiding dairy if you notice an exacerbation of symptoms.

2. Refined sugar: an enemy of the immune system

Excessive sugar consumption can affect the immune system and increase inflammation in the throat. Refined sugar, found in sweets and fizzy drinks, worsens cough by:

  • Intensification of inflammation: Increased blood glucose levels stimulate inflammatory processes.
  • Slowing down recovery: Overloading the immune system makes healing difficult.

Alternative: Replace sugar with honey, which has soothing and antimicrobial properties.

3. Alcohol: irritating and dehydrating

Alcoholic drinks, especially strong ones, can irritate the throat, causing a persistent cough. Alcohol is also a diureticwhich leads to dehydration. Insufficient hydration causes nasal secretions to become thicker, amplifying the discomfort.

4. Fried and fatty foods

Foods high in fat, such as fried or fast food, can cause gastroesophageal reflux. Stomach acid reaching the esophagus irritates the throat, triggering coughing. This type of food also makes digestion difficult, which can affect the recovery process.

5. Spicy foods: the irritant capsaicin

Capsaicin, found in hot peppers and other spicy foods, can irritate the mucous membranes in the throat, making coughing worse. Although spicy foods can stimulate nasal secretions, this effect can worsen congestion and discomfort.

What to eat to relieve a cough

To ease the symptoms, here are some recommended options:

  • Hot teas: Chamomile, ginger or lemon tea with honey soothes an irritated throat.
  • Chicken soup: It hydrates and has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants: Citrus fruits, berries, spinach and broccoli support immunity.
  • Water and hot liquids: They keep the pharynx moist and help clear secretions.

If the cough persists for more than three weeks or is accompanied by symptoms such as high fever, bloody sputum or weight loss, it is essential to consult a specialist. A chest X-ray can identify serious conditions, such as chronic bronchitis or lung cancer.

Elena of the Ocean

A graduate of the “Journalism and Communication Sciences” section of the University of Bucharest, I started my career in 2012, at “Evenimentul Zilei”. Since then, I have focused on medical journalism, analyzing relevant health topics, the latest scientific research, and expert recommendations. The accumulated experience includes numerous interviews with renowned doctors, both from Romania and abroad, as well as the moderation of a medical show.
