Literary Saturday brought Hinrikus, Vadi and Kiiler to Haapsallu

Urmas Vadi. Photo by Kaire Reiljan

The library week in Haapsalu culminated with a literary Saturday, which brought to Haapsalu three writers, Kadri Hinrikus, Urmas Vadi, who all offered exciting stories about literature and life itself at the meeting with readers.

In the Haapsalu children’s library, Kadri Hinrikus was meeting young readers, whom adults probably remember more from the TV screen, but children know him through books. Twenty of them have already appeared from the pen of Hinrikus.

Hinrikuse told the children that he has liked books and reading since he was little. “But the idea that I could become a writer never crossed my mind,” he admitted. Instead, she has wanted to be a ballerina and a vet as a child.

According to the writer, everyone in their family read – mother, father and older brother. “Sometimes it was also the case that when I had to be in bed already, take it
