LIVE – New Barnier government: the first threats of censorship fall, on the left and the far right –

Parity, but… On paper, there is nothing to say: twenty women and nineteen men form Michel Barnier’s government, including at the level of full ministries. But this Barnier cabinet is returning to the usual reflexes of previous government teams by leaving women at the door of the sovereign ministries: Bruno Retailleau at the Interior, Didier Migaud at Justice, Jean-Noël Barrot at Foreign Affairs, Sébastien Lecornu at the Armed Forces and Antoine Armand at the Economy. Women, for their part, are to be found in Health (Geneviève Darrieussecq), Housing (Valérie Létard), Culture (Rachida Dati), Ecological Transition (Agnès Pannier-Runacher), Agriculture (Annie Genevard), Labor (Astrid Panosyan-Bouvet) and Territories. Find the government list.
