Look at the effect of the food considered “the first source of cancer”

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Almost incurable disease. Doctors advise us to immediately remove from the diet a food considered “the first source of cancer”. Dr. Wasim Nazer says it acts as a catalyst for an almost incurable disease.

Scientists are sounding the alarm about this food that is more harmful than sugar. The nutritionist is of the same opinion, who revealed the negative effects of its consumption, according to him dcmedical.ro.

Palm oil, extremely dangerous for health

This can be a decisive factor in the spread of several forms of cancer. Unfortunately, it is found in many products, so shoppers should read labels very carefully.

“Margarine and palm oil are the most dangerous in my view. More dangerous than sugar is palm oil, which you find the same on all products. 70% of products contain palm oil.

Photo source: Doctor of the Day archive

If you read them you see that they have a palm oil content that we consume daily and it’s the first thing, I think it’s the first source of cancer. If we eat cheese, the cheese contains palm oil.

Palm oil is, from my point of view, the first source of cancer. Then comes the sugar,” said nutritionist Wasim Nazer.

This oil is analyzed by many studies and researches because lately there have been many specialists who have declared that it is better than sunflower oil because it does not burn so quickly.

Palm oil, cheaper than olive oil

Despite these conclusions, Wasim Nazer says he is not as healthy as we might think. It is effective in restaurants because it is cheaper than the olive one, but unfortunately, it is not changed very often, on the contrary.

Many restaurants keep the palm oil for a whole week or even a month. If restaurant owners do not have a problem with this, consumers will not be exactly happy and will have medical problems.

Source: www.doctorulzilei.ro