Look what they sold instead of yoghurt and sumac! The Ministry announced the final list…

Created Date: October 26, 2024 09:32

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry exposed those who imitate and adulterate food. It was revealed that equid meat was sold in beef, dye was used in sumac and starch was sold instead of yoghurt.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry continues food tests regarding counterfeiting. The Ministry continues to publish a list of imitation-adulterated foods that may endanger health.

In the latest tests, it was revealed that dye was used instead of vegetable oil and olive oil, sumac dye that should not be used in food, the fat content in raw milk was reduced, soy was sold instead of meatballs, honey was imitated or adulterated, cow’s milk was sold in plain oil, and starch was sold instead of yoghurt.


New products that attract everyone’s attention, endanger health and are counterfeited and adulterated are added every day. In order for citizens to have access to healthy food, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry continues to disclose inappropriate products after the inspections it carries out.

With the latest update, many products have been included in the list and their manufacturers have been announced.


The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry tests the products sampled after inspections in its laboratories and detects the substances in the products.


Counterfeiting of products has begun to reach its peak. Imitation and adulteration are frequently encountered in products such as meat, olive oil, honey, lahmacun and kebab. It is important for health to stay away from foods whose price, taste, color or smell is questionable. Suspicious products should be reported by calling ALO 174.

Counterfeit or Adulterated Foods

Look what they sold instead of yoghurt and sumac. The Ministry announced the final list...

Source: bigpara.hurriyet.com.tr