Lower prices of firewood, and this is the reason: A cube of wood is cheaper by 2,000 dinars!


In the days when we daily report on numerous price increases, we also note an unexpected price reduction, which will please many.

Namely, it is not remembered that firewood in the Čačan region was cheaper than this autumn. The current price of a cubic meter of beech wood is around 7,000 dinars. Just a year earlier, up to 2,000 more had to be allocated for a cubic meter of firewood. In the mountain villages “in town”, sawed wood can be found for 1,000 to 2,000 cheaper, with the fact that the transport to the city, that is, to the household, falls on the buyer. The year before last, firewood was at least 25 percent more expensive than this fall.

– Last winter was quite mild, so almost everyone used about 30 to 40 percent less firewood than in previous years when we had a series of icy days. These stocks now allow buyers to purchase less firewood, and to that extent, sales are weaker. The demand for wood is quite weak, so that has brought the price down. The demand is weak for several reasons, first of all, because many households have reoriented themselves to pellet boilers, and there are also rare ones that installed heat pumps this summer, so they no longer need wood – says Mileta Marić, one of the firewood sellers.

We remind you that the price of firewood in Čačak is about 7,000 dinars, which is how much it costs at wholesalers and at warehouses. Just a few years ago, it was more than 11,000, which is what a cubic meter cost at the time of the corona. Last heating season, 8,000 to 10,000 per meter had to be allocated, depending on the type and quality of the wood. The price of turning this year has remained the same, and turners charge 600 dinars per cubic meter for this service. They perform the scraping service on mobile bansecs, connected to the host’s three-phase current. They charge the same amount for splitting with electric splitters.

Two years ago, for a ton of pellets in Čačak, as much as 38,000 dinars had to be allocated, and this time around 22,000. The energy source that has become cheaper the least is coal, by 1,000 dinars per ton, so Pljeval coal is priced at around 17,000 dinars at the Čačan warehouses.

Source: www.vesti-online.com