Lucie Castets fired by a text message from Anne Hidalgo? The mayor of Paris “categorically” denies it

JOEL SAGET / AFP New Popular Front candidate Lucie Castets no longer works at Paris City Hall. (Photo by JOEL SAGET / AFP)


New Popular Front candidate Lucie Castets no longer works at Paris City Hall. (Photo by JOEL SAGET / AFP)

On August 29, two days after receiving a rejection from Emmanuel Macron, the unsuccessful candidate for the post of Prime Minister explained on BFMTV that despite this failure to be appointed Prime Minister, she was putting ” an end to (her) functions as director of finances at Paris city hall”, while continuing to work for the New Popular Front.

« I have to find my place »

She had then indicated that she was not resigning from the civil service, but rather taking leave.. “I am extremely attached to the public service. I am a civil servant, and I attach great importance to it. “, added the woman who became known in particular within the collective for the defense of civil servants ” Nos services publics ».

Near the newspaper The WorldLucie Castets confirms in mid-September that she wants to take leave and look for a job. in the associative field”. The senior civil servant does not want to see her professional life suspended on the hypothetical fall of Michel Barnier’s future government. But she is not giving up on her political ambitions: ” I want to continue to invest myself as a fellow traveler of the NFP parties. In the longer term, I have to find my place, she explains. I remain available if Michel Barnier is censored, but not in a waiting position.”

As a sign that she does not intend to leave the field open, Lucie Castets was also present on Saturday September 14 at the Fête de l’Humanité, to participate in this major political back-to-school event for the left. I will put all my energy into the service of this union. “, she promised the left-wing activists and supporters who came to listen to her. The question remains how.
