Lytras were found in the same place

For the first time after the serious episode of the beating, Apostolos Lytras and Sofia Polyzogopoulou were in the same place, at the disciplinary meeting of the Athens Bar Association.

According to the Star, the atmosphere was heavy and they did not exchange words, except for procedural matters.

Although the lawyer did not want to make statements on camera, she claimed that she is still in a bad psychological state, she is trying to stand on her own two feet and raise her child properly.

At the disciplinary council, which lasted one hour, the question of the definitive suspension from the duties of Apostolos Lytras was raised. The lawyer asked for an adjournment. However, his request was rejected.

The process started with the testimony of Sofia Polyzogopoulos and was followed by the explanations of Apostolos Lytras, in a strong emotional charge.

The punishment will be announced next week and may involve a temporary suspension for a few months or even a permanent suspension from his duties.
