Maisons du Monde moves up a gear

In full swing, the almost thirty-year-old brand Maisons du monde is rolling out its very first loyalty program. This is accompanied by a video on demand platform, designed as the “Netflix of decoration”.

In its stores and on its e-commerce site, the emblematic interior decoration brand Maisons du Monde is undergoing a complete transformation. For her, the priority area was loyalty. “Our customers felt an asymmetry between their attachment to the brand and our institutional response.” For François-Melchior de Polignac, general director of Maisons du Monde, offering a solid loyalty program to its customers was therefore essential. After nearly seven months of co-construction, helped by the brand’s customers, the brand announces the launch of “My world house”.

“In a memorable time”according to Guillaume Lesouef, brand offer and CSR director, the Maisons du Monde teams have designed a program that separates loyal customers into three categories: likers (from 0 to 199 euros of annual purchases, representing nearly 80% of the base), lovers (from 200 to 999 euros spent per year, 10% of consumers) and addicts (from 1 000 euros in purchases and bringing together 5% of the brand’s customers). Each of these customer types unlocks predefined benefits. For example, consumers registered with the program can experience a “privilege day” on the date of their choice, in order to benefit from a reduction ranging from 10% to 20%, depending on their category.

As for deliveries, they are offered from 700 euros of purchases for the first categories and from 200 euros for the most regular customers. Moreover, private sales and one-off promotions are planned for all consumers program participants.

Focus on service, experience and inspiration

“During roundtable discussions with our clients, we understood that they needed a relationship that was not only focused on the transaction“, says Guillaume Lesouef. This is why the Ma Maison du Monde program offers service and experiential rewards. The program kicks off on the evening of October 1, during a dinner inviting the brand’s “best customers”, to 16 of its points of sale across France. Among these most loyal consumers, around ten even received a personal call from the general director of the brand, announcing that they were invited to spend a weekend in La Rochelle, in a hotel entirely decorated by Maisons du Monde. During the year, these exceptional invitations will be recurring. “The idea is to invite our customers in a privileged context, a closed store, to spend a moment of wonder”comments Julia Sauquet, omnichannel director of Maisons du Monde.

Always in the spirit of working on the relationship beyond the transactional aspect, the brand offers “deco makeovers” offered to customers “addicts” on the occasion of their birthday, as well as from 800 euros of purchase. The objective is to make the Ma Maison du Monde program a hub of decoration inspiration.

A clean media, for loyal customers

To push this desire to inspire even further,The brand deploys its own media: “Maisons du Monde +”. Accessible to “lovers” and “addicts”, this “decorating Netflix” offers 50 hours of content, divided into several themes. Videos present the latest collections and collaborations in previews in an inspiring way and tutorials are already online for the first customers to register. To go further, the French brand has purchased the rights to various decoration programs to broadcast them on its platform. Among them, “Great design” and “I have the keys”. Finally, documentaries produced by the Maisons du Monde foundation, which will celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2025, are available and deal with subjects of eco-responsibility and biodiversity.

Still in development, Julia Sauquet specifies that the products presented in the platform’s content are not yet “clickable”, but that its teams are working on it in order to streamline the omnichannel journey for Maisons de Monde customers. The Maisons du Monde + platform is available from October 1, exclusively reserved for customers in the two highest categories of the program, as well as professional customers.
