Major screen issue for iPhone 16 Pro and 16 Pro Max

Slow seems to be the touch response regarding the new screens at

iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max and this is something that the first few of Apple’s new devices report as present. No one likes a touch screen that shows a lot of lag on every touch, especially when that touch screen is connected to the device that you just spent $999 and above to buy it.

If there’s one good thing that has come out of the online complaints, it’s that the problem appears to be software-related and has nothing to do with a hardware problem. This means that Apple will not have to recall malfunctioning phones and issue replacement units. Instead, a simple software update may be all it takes to please iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max users suffering from this issue.

More likely it’s a problem with the iOS touch rejection algorithm designed to prevent accidental touches from doing something to the phone that wasn’t programmed by the user. If this program is too sensitive, your intended finger movements may be ignored. Accidentally touching parts of the screen can cause the phone to reject all new contacts of your hand with the screen for a short period of time. Some complain that the problem mainly occurs when their finger is near the new “Camera Control” on the right side of the screen.

What else could be wrong?

Another reason why this is happening now could be the new, thinner bezels on the iPhone 16 Pro compared to last year’s iPhone 15 Pro. Losing part of the protection from an accidental touch on the screen can cause the phone to consider such a touch as a mistake and reject it.

This wouldn’t be the first time Apple has had to deal with an issue discovered in a recently released iPhone model. You may remember that in June 2010, the iPhone 4 suffered from what was called Antennagate. A new antenna placement for the just-released iPhone 4 caused the device to lose antenna signal strength when held a certain way, resulting in Steve Jobs famous quote about iPhone 4 users say they hold their phone the wrong way.

To stop the problem with iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max, using a case may be your best solution as it could cover part of the screen and make it difficult for you to accidentally hit the part of the screen that essentially it’s empty and thus touch rejection is done by iOS. The issue occurs on iPhone 16 Pro series devices running iOS 18 and iOS 18 .1 beta. It also doesn’t happen when the phone is locked.

In conclusion, all we have to do is wait for Apple to deliver an update iOS 18 will end this issue and make the screen of iPhone 16 Pro or iPhone 16 Pro Max to respond again.
