There have been numerous rumors about the processor it will power the Galaxy S25 series of Samsung. While some claim the entire series will the Snapdragon 8 Elite SoC as the main power source, we spotted the Galaxy S25+ on Geekbench earlier this month with the Exynos 2500 chip. Today, we’re looking at the global model of the Galaxy S25, which has been spotted on Geekbench with the Snapdragon 8 Elite, once again fueling rumors that the S25 series will come exclusively with the Snapdragon 8 Elite by Qualcomm processor option.
The Samsung Galaxy S25 in question that was spotted on Geekbench has a model code of SM-S931B, runs Android 15 and has 12GB of RAM built in. It scored 2,986 and 9,355 points in Geekbench’s single and multi-core tests, respectively. This is lower than what some other Snapdragon 8 Elite smartphones achieved in several website tests, but this could be a prototype and the retail version should perform better.
Let’s not forget that the Samsung Galaxy S25 series is rumored to be officially launched later this month, so expect to hear more about the S25, S25+ and S25 Ultra in the coming days.