MALTA, the country of long-lived and healthy people

The latest research has shown in which European countries people live the longest. The Maltese were at the very top among Europeans.

How is the duration of a healthy life measured? As expected, numberem years that the average person will live without disabilities or limitations in everyday life.

According to the new analysis, based on data from 2023. , the Mediterranean island nation of Malta is at the top in terms of longevity for both men and women in the European Union, new data show Eurostat.

And Denmark is in last place when it comes to women, who hope that the data will be more favorable in the future. While the Nordic countries have a developed health system, the incidence of cancer is higher there than in other EU countries.

Women in Malta are healthy for 70.3 years, while men for 70.1 years.

As Europeans live longer than ever before, quality of life in old age becomes very important, so that in European countries, women live healthy for 62.8 years, and men for 62.4 years.

Women in Slovenia are healthy up to 68.5, Danish women only up to 54.6, Dutch women up to 56.3, Bulgarian women up to 68.9.

Men in Sweden are on average healthy up to 67.5 years, Italians up to 67.1, Danes 57.1.

Women tend to live longer than men, and on average across the EU, women can expect 62.8 years of healthy life compared to 62.4 years for men.

However, women are healthy for 75 percent of their life span, and men for 80 percent, which means that, although men live shorter on average, they are healthier, according to the report.
