Man hit and killed by a train at Acerra station: traffic blocked

The movement of trains on the Cassino-Naples railway line was suspended to allow the police to investigate after the tragedy.

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Tragedy this morning, Thursday 10 October, at Acerra stationin the province of Naples: at 8.09 am, a man was hit and killed by a moving train. The firefighters and 118 health workers intervened on site and were unable to do anything other than confirm the man’s death; The police also arrived at the station and carried out all the necessary investigations, useful for determining the exact dynamics of what happened.

Trains stopped on the Cassino-Naples line

To allow the intervention of the rescue services and the investigations of the police, the railway circulation on the line of which the Acerra station is part, i.e. the Cassino-Naples, was interrupted. As it is known Italian railway network (Rfi) “railway traffic remains suspended near Acerra due to the collision of a person by a train”. Therefore “trains will suffer slowdowns, limitations and cancellations”.
