Mariela Rubio attacks a Vox deputy convicted of abuse: “You are a scoundrel”

Carlos Flores, Vox deputy, has been finalist in a short story contest for equality. However, in 2002, it was convicted of abuse for some threatening words towards his wife. ‘On everyone’s lips’ has connected with the politician and had a hard crash with the journalist, Mariela Rubio.

Specifically, the threatening messages to his wife for which the politician was convicted in 2002, were quite serious: “I’m going to be watching you.” fucking up your whole life until you die and finish you off, thief.”

Carlos Flores’ harsh words to his

We spoke with Carlos Flores, a Vox deputy convicted of abuse

Nacho Abad greeted the deputy and began by asking if he would participate in a competition of this kind. It was a provocation, and Carlos Flores pointed out: “I have presented myself because, at the same time that I am a politician, literature is one of my hobbies. This is the sixth fictional story I have published. “I didn’t do it to provoke.”

The interview continued with the presenter’s question about whether he made a mistake with the words he had against his wife, Flores responded: “Of course, and I have already apologized.”

Mariela Rubio explodes against Carlos Flores

After listening to the statements of the Vox deputy, the journalist, Mariela Rubio, took the floor and asked the politician why there are so many 8 different literary competitions in that town hall. Carlos Flores indicated that he has presented himself as one that fits the theme of the books he writes: “It fits what I more or less know how to do.”

Minutes later, while the Vox deputy was speaking with the Compromís deputy in Valencia, Papi Robles, Mariela Rubio exploded against Flowers: “This is intolerable, you are a scoundrel, I don’t know why he is allowed to talk so much, what a barbarity. A gentleman who denies gender violence You are here talking about equality, but who are you?
