Marlaska forgets to reward the police officers of the Valencia fire and those who prevented a jihadist attack

The report of the annual decorations to the agents of the National Police always leave a “bitter taste” to those who do it. The Unified Police Union (SUP) has prepared this document in which they have located two “bleeding” cases of interventions that have not been recognized as they deserve by the Ministry of the Interior of Fernando Grande-Marlaska. One of them is the work of the Scientific Police in the fire in the Camapanar neighborhood in Valencia where 10 people died. Another is the case of the Provincial Information Brigade of Seville, which arrested a jihadist when he had everything ready to carry out an attack.

The SUP has analyzed the concessions and has resorted to these two examples since they consider that the performers are deserving of this award. Sources from the union explain to Vozpópuli that the lack of decoration of several colleagues in the union was detected. General Scientific Police Station who traveled to Valencia last February due to the terrible fire that broke out in the residential building of 138 homes in the Campanar neighborhood in the city of Valencia.

This tragedy led to the death of 10 people and left fifteen others injured. The presence of UCIED specialists had to be required to carry out the investigation of the causes and circumstances of the fire, as well as locate and identify to the victims. The displaced team collaborated with specialists from the BPPC of Valencia in the location and recovery of the bodies among other tasks.

A promise that was never fulfilled

“Of course, and due to the short time that had elapsed since the control of the fire and the serious damage to the building, it entailed risks for all of them; they were also the professionals who worked the longest on the ground until they managed to complete their tasks on May 24. with the location, recovery and extraction of a victim’s body and the active participation in unraveling the origin of the accident,” they defend from the SUP.

The other case with lack of recognition that this union has appealed is the one that corresponds to the officials of the Provincial Information Brigade of Seville who managed, at the beginning of this year, to complete a thorough investigation in which a dangerous jihadist was arrested in Montellano. “This operation became an example in the training of future agents because it was the first time in which a target was arrested with explosive materials ready for use the day after the arrest,” the entity stated. .
“A series of circumstances draw attention to the granting of these decorations. That the commissioner of the General Information Commission proposed, that our DAO gave this operation as an example and that to make matters worse, the Government Delegate in Andalusia announced them at the time in a meeting in which the work of the BPI of Seville was recognized,” they add. “In addition to the above, the granting of these medals was requested before the Police Council in conjunction with the rest of the unions and still having the approval of the Administration mysteriously have not been granted in the promised terms,” ​​they conclude.

The analysis of the medals

At the beginning of the report, the representatives of the agents affirm that this document “every year” leaves them with “bitter taste” and “will continue to leave it until we achieve the sense of reward for merit and professional value that should be preserved for our Order of Police Merit.” “It is not acceptable that colleagues who have more than met all the requirements to receive the well-deserved reward are left out without further explanation that the quota has been reached. A quota as absurd as it is unfair,” they point out.

From the SUP they affirm that they have been fighting for “years” to end the injustices committed in these concessions. “In 2024 we still have not updated and reformed the legal regulatory framework for the awarding of medals, beyond the slight modifications incorporated,” they lament. The entity has requested Marlaska and the General Directorate to “immediately repeal this obsolete Law.”

“One more year in statistical matters, the number of decorations awarded to active agents broken down by professional categories maintains the average of previous years, except in the case of the red ones, where once again the Higher Scale is eliminated, making political use and populist of the concession, to avoid protests. It seems absurd to us“, they analyze. Likewise, in their balance they explain that the number of recognitions to people outside the National Police already represents 17% of all crosses with a white badge.
