Martorell addresses Perinatal Grief with an event for families at the Cemetery

The Municipal Cemetery of Martorell hosted a special event this Saturday to commemorate the World Day of Gestational and Perinatal Grief, which is celebrated on October 15. The day took place in the Espai de Record, a point created two years ago in the cemetery for families to share their grief at the loss of a son or daughter.

The World Day of Gestational, Perinatal and Neonatal Bereavement aims to raise awareness of what the loss of a baby during pregnancy, the neonatal period or the first year of life means to both women and couples , families and the closest environment.

The event was attended by the Councilor for Equality, Remedios Márquez, who made an emotional speech in which she emphasized that “this grief is silent, invisible to the rest of the world, but immensely real to those who experience it. Today’s intention is to break this silence iowound this space where to welcome and express pain, love and memories, and find company in the midst of sadness”.

Remedios Márquez, regidora d'Igualtat de l'Ajuntament de Martorell

The Councilor for Social Welfare and Media, Cristina Dalmau, emphasized that the aim of this meeting was to visualize and give voice to this silent mourning: “Today we were accompanied by members of the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Martorell, which for many years has been dedicating many resources and efforts to support families who find themselves in situations of this type. And, in the end, this very intimate space is another complement to this accompaniment”.

Cristina Dalmau, regidora de Benestar Social i Mitjans de Comunicació

The head of the Pediatric Service of the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu de Martorell Foundation, Dra. Ana Moreira has stated that health professionals involved in this type of situation must accompany and provide support to these families so that they can go through grief as well as possible: “Not only in the moment that has passed, but we must be ready to accompany them for as long as they need. For us it is a very important day because we want to help the families who are going through these moments”.

Ana Moreira, cap del Servei de Pediatria FHSJDM 

The head of the Nursing, Teaching, Training and Research Area of ​​the FHSJDMGemma Margarit, explained the service they offer from the Hospital with ‘La Capsa del Record’, remarking that “it is very important for us, and for this mourning process, that all these families have a place where they can create memories. In this box there are elements that can help families create this memory, in the same way that families can put in these boxes everything that helps them overcome this whole process”.

Gemma Margarit, cap de l’Àrea d’Infermeria, Docència, Formació i Recerca FHSJDM

‘The Record Box’

‘La Capsa dels Record’ is an initiative in collaboration with the entity of the same name, which since August 2020 has been supporting families affected by a perinatal and gestational death. Some boxes help to generate memories of the sons and daughters and the idea of ​​contributing to make the mourning more bearable. On the other hand, the facility trains every year professionals in this subject, in order to provide care to families, either in the delivery room, in the maternal-child hospitalization unit or in external obstetrics consultations .

To conclude this very special event, the organization has invited all the attendees to place white stones under the Espai de Record tree to the accompaniment of the song ‘Et faig un llo’, by Xiula. Afterwards, some words of farewell were dedicated with the song ‘The value of seguir adelante’, by Laura Pausini.
