Nickelodeon Animation is a studio known for such popular animated series as “SpongeBob SquarePants”, “Hej Arnold!”, “Cattopies” and “Rugrats”. It recently entered into a partnership with Apple, as part of which the series “Marvelous Pets: Urban Adventure” will debut next month on Apple TV+. Now its first trailer has been published.
“Wonderful Pets: Urban Adventure” will be a musical animated series aimed at preschool children. The main characters of the series will be three animals living in a New York kindergarten, a guinea pig, a snake and a rabbit, who from time to time go out into the world on a mission to save other endangered animals. According to Apple’s announcement, each of their adventures will be a kind of mini-opera, composed by musicians such as Bobby Lopez, Jason Robert Brown, Tom Kitt, Matthew Sklar and Larry Hochman. Everything indicates that the series will also offer optional Polish dubbing and audio description.
The first season of Marvelous Pets: Urban Adventure debuts on Apple TV+ on Friday, December 13.