(Medical 24 Hours) Seoul National University Hospital, selected as the best hospital for stroke registration project, etc.

(Health Korea News / Yu Ji-in) ‘Medical 24 Hours’ is a corner that shows brief news related to the medical field that can easily be overlooked in the media at a glance. It may seem like trivial news, but it can be valuable information to someone, so we summarize only the facts.

◆Ewha Seoul Hospital selected as the best hospital for stroke registration project

Overview of Seoul National University Hospital

On the 21st, Seoul National University Hospital was selected as the ‘2024 Stroke Registration Project Best Hospital’ at the ‘2024 Korean Stroke Network’ held at the President Hotel in Jung-gu, Seoul, hosted by the Korean Stroke Society.

The Korean Stroke Registry collects data on patients with acute stroke and transient ischemic attacks in Korea, and aims to monitor, evaluate, and improve the quality of stroke care in Korea.

The Korean Stroke Society’s Korean Stroke Registry Operation Committee selected the best hospital among the 87 hospitals nationwide participating in the project as of 2024, considering the hospitals with the most registrations in the stroke registry project in 2023 and the query rate (registry, data entry rate).

◆Hallym University Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital holds ’15th Infection Control Week’ using Metaverse

Hallym University Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital held the ’15th Infection Control Week’ from the 2nd to the 23rd to emphasize the importance of infection control and share proper infection control methods.

This event was designed to enable all faculty and staff to easily and enjoyably acquire infection control knowledge through various online and offline programs. The Infection Control Office shared methods for preventing and managing healthcare-related infections through ▲solutions based on healthcare-related infectious disease cases ▲cross-and-vertical word quizzes ▲personal protective equipment donning/docking king challenge ▲department infection control king challenge (hand hygiene and environmental management).

In particular, a special lecture on infection control using the metaverse was prepared for community medical institution workers, including faculty and staff, so that they can easily take ‘infection control training for responding to new infectious diseases’ anytime, anywhere. The training consisted of ▲ definitions of new infectious diseases and the latest trends (Professor Jaegap Lee, Department of Infectious Diseases) ▲ methods of putting on and taking off personal protective equipment, etc.

In addition, we also provided community-linked infection control education, including sharing the latest trends in bioterrorism and new infectious diseases and conducting training on donning and doffing personal protective equipment for Yeongdeungpo-gu Public Health Center staff.

◆Inje University Sanggye Baek Hospital and Seoul Private Taxi Transport Association Nowon Branch Sign Agreement

Inje University Sanggye Paik Hospital signed an agreement with the Nowon branch of the Seoul Private Taxi Transport Association.

The signing ceremony was attended by Sanggye Paik Hospital Director Seo Yoon-deok, Team Leader of the Clinical Support Team Lee Hae-jeong, External Cooperation Team Manager Son Yeong-jun, Clinical Cooperation Center Part Director Choi Gyeong-hwa, Nowon Branch Manager Choi Gi-ho of the Seoul Private Taxi Transport Business Association, Civil Affairs Office Director Park Chun-soon, Representatives Jeon Byeong-dol, Moon Haeng-gyun, Park In-gyu, and union member Lee Hae-ju.

Through the agreement, Sanggye Paik Hospital plans to provide services such as medical guidance and medical support to Nowon branch members and their families. In the future, when a medical appointment is needed or a health checkup is conducted, Sanggye Paik Hospital’s medical cooperation center and external cooperation team will provide comprehensive support.

◆Hallym University Hangang Sacred Heart Hospital, Burn Prevention Education for Daycare Centers in Yeongdeungpo-gu

In order to prevent burn accidents in the community, Hallym University Hangang Sacred Heart Hospital conducted ‘Children’s Burn Prevention Education’ for 7 daycare centers in Yeongdeungpo-gu, Seoul for 5 months from May to September 23.

This training, which was conducted as part of social contribution, was designed to inform children, who can be more seriously affected by burns, of the dangers of burns and to share methods for preventing and responding to burns.

A total of 199 children attended the training, and they learned about ▲the definition of burns ▲types and depths of burns ▲burns in everyday life ▲first aid for burns, etc. They also learned safe behavioral habits for burn prevention, focusing on situations that can occur in real life, such as precautions to take when eating hot food or using home appliances.

◆Bundang Seoul National University Hospital, ‘2024 Disease X Response Public-Private Joint Mock Training’ Conducted

On the 24th, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital conducted the ‘2024 Disease X (Unknown Infectious Disease) Response Public-Private Joint Mock Training’ at the Future Hall on the 4th floor of the Healthcare Innovation Park. This event was held as part of the ‘Project to Establish a Medical Response System Centered on Infectious Disease Hospitals.’

On this day, about 170 people from 59 organizations, including Seongnam City, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, the Capital Area Disease Response Center of the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, Gyeonggi Province, medical institutions and local governments in the metropolitan area (Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon, Gangwon), and the National Incheon Airport Quarantine Station, participated in the mock training.

The event began with welcoming remarks from Director Song Jeong-han of Bundang Seoul National University Hospital and Vice Mayor Lee Jin-chan of Seongnam City, followed by encouraging remarks from Director Choi Hong-seok of the Capital Area Disease Response Center of the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, and an introduction to the mock training program by Director Kim Eui-seok of the Infection Control Center of Bundang Seoul National University Hospital.

◆Inha University Hospital conducts training for faculty members from Kenya National University of Medical Sciences

Inha University Hospital announced on the 25th that it recently invited 15 professors from the National University of Kenya to teach emergency and critical care management methods for about two weeks.

This visit by the Kenyan faculty is part of the ‘Kenya National University of Medical Sciences Emergency and Critical Care Teaching Capacity Building Project’ of the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and corresponds to the first-year curriculum.

This project is being implemented by Inha University Hospital under contract from KOICA and will run for three years from this year to 2026. In the first year, education will be provided to understand the basic emergency and critical care management system, and in the second year, this will be applied to each clinical field and studied in depth. In the final third year, Inha University Hospital will provide consulting on local curriculum revision.

◆Seoul Medical Association Holds Call for Nominees for the 23rd Korea-US Medical Award

The Seoul Metropolitan Medical Association is recruiting candidates for the 23rd Korea-US True Medical Personnel Award, which is given to a ‘true medical person’ who has dedicated himself to health care work and contributed to improving national health.

The application period is until November 1st, and those eligible to apply must be members who hold a medical license from the Republic of Korea and have completed all duties as a member of the Seoul Medical Association.

The Korea-US Medical Service Award is primarily awarded to organizations or individuals who have contributed greatly to improving public health through dedicated medical volunteer work at home and abroad, as well as medical professionals who have devoted themselves to medical volunteer work with sacrificial love in isolated islands, remote areas, underprivileged groups, and low-income areas.

◆Kyung Hee Medical Research Institute Digital Health Center Founding Symposium Held

Kyung Hee Digital Health Center of Kyung Hee Medical Research Institute will hold a symposium commemorating the 53rd anniversary of the opening of Kyung Hee Medical Center and the 2nd anniversary of the opening of Kyung Hee Digital Health Center on October 18th at B117 of Cheongwoon Hall, Kyung Hee University. This year’s symposium will be held in three sessions: ▲Big Data ▲Medical Devices ▲Center-linked Projects, with the theme of ultra-large-scale AI-based healthcare services and big data-based bio-leading technologies.

Professor Lee Sang-yeol of the Department of Endocrinology and the Director of the Kyung Hee Digital Health Center said, “This is a place where various experts will gather to have in-depth discussions on the topics of ultra-large AI-based healthcare services and big data-based bio-leading technologies,” and added, “As we are dealing with important technologies and research that will lead the future of healthcare, I ask for your interest and participation.”

◆Jeonbuk National University Hospital Director Yang Jong-cheol Completes Formation of 22nd Executive Committee

With the inauguration of the 22nd President of Chonbuk National University Hospital, Yang Jong-cheol, the 22nd Executive Committee, which will lead the hospital in the future, has completed the formation of the Management Committee and has begun its full-fledged work. According to Chonbuk National University Hospital, the new Executive Committee, which will be active in the Hospital Management Committee, held its first management meeting on the 25th and received the command from President Yang Jong-cheol.

Professor Kim In-hee (Department of Gastroenterology) was appointed as Vice President of the Clinical Sector of the new executive team, Professor Son Ji-seon (Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine) was appointed as Vice President of the Public Sector, and Professor Yoon Hyeon-jo (Department of Breast and Thyroid Surgery) was appointed as Director of the Planning and Coordination Office.

Along with this, ▲Director of Education and Human Resources Development Office Professor Park Sung-joo (Department of Respiratory Medicine and Allergy), ▲Director of External Cooperation Office Professor Lee Sang-rok (Department of Cardiology), ▲Director of Medical Management Office Professor Oh Seon-yeong (Department of Neurology), ▲Director of Medical Information Office Professor Kim Min-seon (Department of Pediatrics), ▲Director of Customer and Human Rights Support Office Professor Kim Jong-seung (Department of Otorhinolaryngology) were respectively appointed.

◆Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital and Avis Sign MOU for Cooperation in Development of AI-Based Cancer Diagnosis Technology

On the 25th, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital of the Catholic University of Korea and Avis Co., Ltd. signed a business agreement (MOU) for joint research and development of AI-based cancer diagnosis technology using digital pathology at the main building of Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital. This agreement was made as part of the 2024 AI Voucher Support Project hosted by the Ministry of Science and ICT and the National IT Industry Promotion Agency (NIPA). This project is a government-supported program to help companies in need of AI products and services introduce optimal AI solutions.

The research team led by Professor Chan-Kwon Jeong of the Department of Pathology at Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital plans to develop a digital pathology AI analysis solution to assist in the diagnosis of thyroid cancer through this agreement. The solution aims to build a digital pathology integrated management platform equipped with AI technology that quantitatively calculates the malignancy level and lymph node metastasis risk of thyroid nodules through analysis of thyroid core needle biopsy (CNB) tissue pathology images.

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Source: www.hkn24.com