Medical tourism is flourishing in Sarajevo

21.09.2024. / 8:00

– Hair transplantation is the most common aesthetic surgery among men
– Can Trebević become a paradise for cosmetic surgery and relaxation treatments?

SARAJEVO – A large number of buildings being built in Trebević are planning special rooms where in the future there could be different types of surgeries, rehabilitation centers, as well as aesthetic surgery polyclinics and hair transplant clinics.

Transplanting a piece,

Following the story of medical tourism from Trebević, in which it is only announced for now, we went down to Sarajevo, which in recent years has attracted more and more men who decide to have a hair transplant in this city.

In one of the two clinics dealing with this work, we spoke with the director Zlatko Kravić. When asked whether it is worth it for patients from neighboring countries to come, he gives a short answer – “absolutely“.

“The price of one such operation is 2,500 euros in Belgrade, three to four thousand euros in Zagreb, while our price ranges from 1,000 to 1,350 euros”Kravić said.

In the very center of the city, you will often see men walking with their scalps still irritated from the treatment, and parts of their heads wrapped. This sight surprised passers-by until recently, today everyone is clear about what it is all about, for which, among other things, the doctors from Turkey who found work in one of the two hair transplant clinics are also responsible.

“Turkey is the first in terms of hair transplantation. How did I decide to come to BiH? I got an offer, they gave me good terms. Before that, I worked in Ukraine, Italy, Spain, hair transplant clinics spread across Europe.” said doctor Adem Kazan, who has more than 20 years of experience in hair transplantation.

The doctors in this clinic explain that Bosnia and Herzegovina is a good choice for hair transplantation today, because the countries of Western Europe are much more expensive, while in Turkey, due to the hypergrowth of this sector, the quality is declining.

“In Turkey, the operation is approximately 1,500 to 1,700 euros. If the price is low, it will lead to poor quality of operations”, said the interlocutor CAPITAL-a.

There are academies in Turkey, but no hair transplant specializations. It takes a year to train a doctor or nurse. In the case of unprofessional hair transplantation, necrosis or infection may occur.

Clinics in Turkey, in addition to operations, also offer accommodation, plane tickets, and other benefits. We asked about the convenience of the operation in Sarajevo.

“When you perform a transplant on someone here, if the person is not satisfied, if there are complications, they have a place to turn to in their own language. Getting to the inspection is much simpler than going to Turkey. Here you can check who is behind the clinic”, says Kravić, explaining that in addition to Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia, more and more patients are coming from Austria or Germany, as well as Arabs residing in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Transplantation is also done by women, but they most often transplant eyebrows, which are often destroyed by tattoos, laser removal, or simply inadequate care. Among men, all types opt for hair transplantation, regardless of occupation or economic status.

“The patient categories are interchangeable, at the beginning they were public figures, actors, journalists, presenters, politicians, today a teacher from Tuzla, a car mechanic from Zavidovići, recently a man who works at the copper mine in Bor came to us, transplantation is available today everyone”Kravić told CAPITAL.

When asked if there is room for the development of medical tourism, which is being talked about in Trebević, following the example of Turkey, our interlocutor believes that there is. He believes that good competition is excellent, and that in addition to quality operations, it is very important to invest in marketing, so that the destination becomes recognizable.

The first attempt at hair transplantation dates back to 1836 in Bavaria, a student who had lost his hair came up with the idea, experimented on people and animals, but there were no results. Another written trace is found in Turkey, due to the frequent fungal infections that attacked the scalp. The first successful operations were performed by Dr. Ocudo in Japan. His goal was to help soldiers who, as a result of the war with China, were left without eyebrows or hair. In recent decades, hair transplant techniques have developed rapidly, so that today this operation has become economically profitable for the masses.


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