Melitta horoscope (09.21.-09.27.) – Pharmacy Magazine Online


Boda – Brigitta Kalmár:
left open
at the door, our cold summer:
Autumn crept in

(Source: – haiku poems)


(March 21-April 20) The autumnal transformation of nature helps to bring out the beautiful from the hidden parts of your soul. Don’t be ashamed to stop, even to collect letters! When you return to the day-to-day, remember that only then and only so much of everything you hold and deal with is accomplished. Love is bumpy and unpredictable this week. Instead of arguing, be alone for a bit! Use the phone or computer for work or to build important relationships, don’t immerse yourself completely in the virtual world! The position of Saturn and Pluto makes it difficult to distance yourself from difficulties within the company or harassment at work.


(April 21 – May 21) If we catch ourselves as the (internalized) inner critic rises to the pulpit and speaks, we can steer the old pattern into a new direction with vigilance. Planets in the sign of Earth help make it more obvious. If you don’t want your blood pressure to skyrocket, quickly get over the excitement at work, learn what you need to know! Again, you may be prone to laryngeal and thyroid complaints, which may slow down mental activities and lead to weight stagnation. While you still can, be outdoors as much as possible! The impulses, the soul-warming sight that you can collect, completely rebuild your dead, sick cells. (E.g. the sight of fawns, the autumn bales at the edge of the village, etc…)


(May 22 – June 21) Gathering chestnuts, making some autumn decorations in your home, drinking hot chocolate, and just being, all of these will give you renewed strength. Countless thoughts preoccupy those born under the Gemini sign. He can’t deal with an unfulfilled love, despite the fact that he should have ended it a long time ago. There are people who are incapable of making decisions, and your chosen one is like that. Your fear about your existence hurts your mood, so don’t dwell on your fears, but strengthen your belief system that things will get better. The autumn planets also draw your attention to the importance of physical and mental detoxification. In order to avoid serious accidents, wear a crash helmet while cycling or scootering!


(June 22-July 22) Practically every family has a clever relative who always knows everything better than everyone else. No need to argue with him, just avoid him! Mars and Pluto support the fact that facts, concreteness and practicality dominate this week. Important: if you drink alcohol without self-control, it is good if you are aware that it will destroy your liver, not to mention that you will not have strength or energy, even for everyday existence. If you have noticed that you have become clingy and hurtful, develop your own stress management techniques. To turn to yourself with loving kindness, to be your own best friend, and to look at your human nature with compassion, should be the motto of this week that relieves all spasms!


(July 23-August 23) As soon as your plans become clear, the supporting resources will come to you. Now don’t forget, you always had, are, and always will be envious! Don’t waste your time on them! As long as he is unable to process his disappointments or frustrations, a kind of hardening and stiffening can occur on a physical and mental level, and physical complaints, shoulder and back pain, waist posture, and the like can easily develop. You have to get used to internalizing your negative emotional impressions so that they don’t create you. Practicing loving kindness is a lifelong challenge, sometimes painful, but also a beautiful path to a peaceful loving and joyful life.


(August 24-September 22) On the love front, avoid nagging! Don’t fight over little things! Better to clarify the joint plans and continue to dream together! If you find that you have lost a lot of your fitness, instead of complaining, change and change! This week, you often find yourself in situations where you feel vulnerable and have only yourself to rely on. Observing nature can help you find the way from the external change to the internal solution. If we are alert and allow it, we too are able to merge into this process and experience the subtle transitions within ourselves.


(September 23 – October 23) Mars can cause migraine attacks and thus unpleasant injuries. What does the autumn transition mean? To look inward, to slow down; often the exact opposite of what happens in the rush of everyday life. In this period, we actually want to be caressed and cared for. Avoid forced competitive sports, choose slower ones instead. Beware of constantly feeding yourself toxic food! Eat as many colorful fruits as possible! In this way, you get enough antioxidants into your body to help counteract the harmful effects of daily pollution.


(October 24 – November 22) This week, if your loved one is looking outside, there is a reason. It’s not about missteps, it’s about paying attention, or the lack of it. In the house of Uranus’s horoscope, which represents your home, it warns that the number one cause of domestic or home accidents may be dropped cigarettes, or if you leave an electric heater, candle, etc. near flammable materials. Out of the four elements, Fire will be more dominant than you this week. Just be careful! Just like the tree leaf, trust in the way of nature, allow yourself to get closer to the ground!


(November 23 – December 21) During this week, according to the planets, it is not worth acting as a peacemaker in any relationship, because in the end all kinds of responsibilities will be placed on you. As time goes by, it would not hurt to have a dental check-up, a bone density check, and if appropriate, eat more calcium-containing foods. Uranus motivates him a little to get involved in sports, do yoga, or do something that he would never do, but of course he would like it!


(January 21 – February 19) Capricorn in a relationship, in order to prevent arguments, let them know in advance that during the week, including the weekend, you would like your loved one to take the current needs into account. When the situation allows it, tell him your inner feeling of lack, be honest with yourself and with him too! However, too much sugar can be dangerous for your body. Instead of three large meals, eat several times throughout the day. This can prevent extreme highs and lows in blood sugar levels. In a period of rapid changes, the easiest way to manage stress is to reduce the amount of tea and coffee consumed.


(February 20 – March 20) You should be more patient not only with others, but also with yourself. In the light of celestial processes, neither your weekend nor even your week will be predictable. Since sedentary work or sitting hunched over can cause venous and circulation problems, instead of meat, eat foods rich in Omega3 fatty acids containing blood circulation-enhancing active ingredients more often! Running, swimming or dancing also help speed up blood flow. Due to the influence of Uranus, you may feel dependent on family, but a thoughtless move would do nothing to help your inner restlessness.


(02.20.– 03.20.) Honestly admit that anyone tells you anything, you listen to it, but then you still do what you originally thought was right. In other words, he goes after his own head. The friendly Pluto angle activates your body’s self-healing and regenerating abilities, but it would not hurt to have those weaker, painful points checked regularly. If they make time for each other on the weekend, both of them will be better able to cope with next week’s tasks. In addition, if they just run around on the weekend, like on a chaos track, they will miss out on rest because of this, and they will be much more irritated with each other.

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