Melvyn Jaminet targeted by an investigation for “death threats based on origin”

The investigation into France XV full-back Melvyn Jaminet was opened on July 9 following a report from SOS Racisme after remarks of “extreme seriousness” were made following the Blues’ first test match in Argentina on July 6.

The public prosecutor announced on Tuesday, July 16, that France XV full-back Melvyn Jaminet is under investigation for “death threats based on race” after a racist video was posted on his Instagram account on July 7. The investigation has been open since July 9 and follows a report from SOS Racisme, according to the public prosecutor, who has not yet received the report from the French Rugby Federation (FFR).

The president of the French Rugby Federation, Florian Grill, nevertheless affirmed on Tuesday that he had carried out a “report to the public prosecutor”This report, he said, was made on July 12. “in order to shed full light on the making of these extremely serious remarks” in a video posted on social media following the Blues’ first test match played on July 6 in Mendoza against the Argentinian Pumas.

The video published on July 7 shows Jaminet, drunk, filming himself, visibly upset: “My mother asks me if I partied (he sighs). I swear to you, the first Arab I meet on the road, I’ll hit him with my helmet,” declared the 25-year-old Toulon player in this short undated video, subsequently deleted.

More information to come…
