Men called 112 with serious burn injuries after rocker punishment

On 15 November last year, two men with rocker connections were each tied to a chair and set on fire as part of a punishment in Næstved.

But when those with serious burns called 112 that same evening, it was a different story that the emergency center got.

– I have been burned by some kitchen fire. We were in the process of having to cook with some oil, said one man on the phone.

The call was played on Monday morning in the court in Næstved, where a trial against four men aged 29 to 45 has begun.

The case concerns an internal dispute in the rock group Viking Nation. Three men are charged with having deprived the two men of their liberty and subjecting them to serious violence.

One defendant has a leading role at Viking Nation.

Tattoos cover most of the 45-year-old’s face. He wears glasses and is in court wearing a T-shirt so his tattooed arms can be seen.

It was he who poured flammable liquid over the two victims and set them on fire with a lighter and deodorant. He admits to having committed serious violence and will explain himself later on Monday. However, he will only speak on his own behalf.

When he was arrested a week after the incident last year, the South Zealand and Lolland-Falster Police stated that the punishment was because the two men had breached the club’s internal code of conduct.

When the victims called 112, they were instructed to rinse themselves with cold water and an ambulance was sent. The men suffered burns on 8 and 16 percent of their bodies, respectively.

According to the forensic report, both of them may have been in mortal danger.

The punishment was recorded on a mobile phone, and the video was also shown in court on Monday morning – albeit behind closed doors.

The trial also concerns another deprivation of liberty that took place two days later – namely 17 November.

This time the victim was one of the three men charged with the first punishment.

According to the indictment, the perpetrators were the other two defendants – including the leading rocker member – and a fourth defendant.

According to the indictment, the man was picked up at an address in Næstved, placed in a trunk and driven to a wooded area in Næstved and later to another address in Næstved.

Here he must have been beaten when he was in the car.

In addition, he was forced to read out a text from one of the other mobile phones. It was also recorded.

In the video, the man says that he no longer deserves to be part of the club.

According to the prosecution, this episode had a background in the man’s sexual orientation. As the only one of the four defendants in the case, he is protected by a name ban.

The trial is expected to be decided on Wednesday.

