On this occasion, Sveti Lovreč, a small town that was mentioned as a place at the crossroads as far back as 1030, wants to be a meeting place this year as well. It wants to become a place where Heaven and Earth meet, a place that will call to mind the event that changed human history 2000 years ago. Saint Lovreč, for the sixth time during the Christmas holidays, wants to become Bethlehem, the town where Heaven and Earth became one, the town where Jesus – the Son of God – was born.
The texts of the evangelists Matthew and Luke testify to the mystery, modesty and simplicity of this wonderful event.
Two thousand years ago, a poor married couple set off on a long journey, from Nazareth to Bethlehem, because the Roman Emperor Augustus had ordered a census of all the inhabitants of the then empire. Mary’s wife was heavily pregnant, and upon arriving in Bethlehem, her time came to give birth. Finding himself in a foreign land, among strangers, Joseph tirelessly searched for a place where his beloved could give birth in peace. However, none of the Bethlehemites wanted to have anything to do with them. Not finding anyone to host them, Joseph decided to go outside the city, where the shepherds spent the night together with the sheep, and he found an empty stable where Jesus was born. Maria, not having a cradle, placed her newborn in the manger.
The only ones who recognized the specialness of that night were the shepherds. They watched the sky every evening and it was easy for them to notice a new star that shone with a special brightness above the barn. Encouraged by the angels and the song that echoed in the pastures of Bethlehem, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace to men of good will!”, the shepherds hurriedly set off to see what had happened in their area. Those poor people brought their secret gifts to Mary and Joseph. They recognized each other in their poverty.
Three wise men from the East, following the star, arrived in Bethlehem, wanting to bow down and present the newborn king. King Herod of Israel, seeing how the wise men came to worship a newborn baby in Bethlehem, worried about their fate.
The residents of St. Lovreč want to present this recently told story to the public. Tonight we were welcomed here by the Bethlehem family, shepherds, kings, angels and guards. Inside the barn, built especially for this occasion, near the church of St. Martin, a newborn baby was laid in a manger, with Mary and Joseph keeping a watchful eye. Shepherds with sheep, goats and donkeys walked the streets of “Bethleje”. Other domestic animals could also be seen: chickens, chickens, rabbits, hares, donkeys and horses. The children had the opportunity to ride on donkeys and horses or ride in a peasant cart full of hay.
The other residents managed to surprise the present guests, while walking through the streets of this medieval town, showing them their skills in ancient crafts. Guests had the opportunity to meet old craftsmen, such as shoemakers, bakers, carpenters, stonemasons, blacksmiths, coopers, fishermen, and millers.
While the king’s wise men – Melchior, Gaspar and Balthazar arrived in Bethlehem on camels to present the newborn Jesus from the East, the kings of St. Lawrence arrived on horses from the south of Istria, more precisely from Manjadvorci, and brought incense, gold and myrrh to the newborn King.
The secret of the beauty of family life is kindness, mutual respect and giving. The Bethlehem family, Mary, Joseph and Jesus, with their modesty and mutual devotion, want to awaken in our hearts that true desire for unity and peace that they called into the hearts of all people in this world, especially those who this Christmas gifted themselves and their families the meeting of Heaven and Earth in this wonderful “Istrian Bethlehem”.
Source: www.sitoireseto.com