Mark Zuckerberg influenced by Elon Musk? Like X, the social platforms Instagram, Facebook, Threads and WhatsApp will no longer be subject to the fact-checking system launched in 2016 and allowing their content to be moderated as announced by the Meta group on Tuesday January 7. “Meta’s platforms are designed to be places where people can express themselves freely. That can be complicated. On platforms where billions of people can express themselves, all the good, the bad and the ugly are exposed. But that’s freedom of expression.”affirms the group in a press release.
To justify this decision, the American multinational explains that it is “gone too far” in the development of “increasingly complex systems for managing content on (its) platforms, partly in response to social and political pressure for content moderation”. This approach would, according to Meta, have generated too many errors, hindered freedom of expression and frustrated its users. “Too much harmless content is censored, too many people are wrongly locked in ‘Facebook jail,’ and we are often too slow to respond when they do. We want to address this and return to this fundamental commitment to of freedom of expression”continues Meta.
The same moderation program as X
A community rating system – already deployed on the social network X – will replace this fact-checking program. Thus, users will themselves be required to verify the veracity of the content shared on Meta platforms. “We’ve seen this approach work onconfides the multinational.
An initiative which did not fail to make Elon Musk react: “It’s cool”writes the boss of X in a post using the title of an article announcing Meta’s decision. This new moderation policy will initially be deployed only in the United States before gradually being extended to other countries.