Meta* is ending its program to fact-check and limit the spread of misinformation on its social media platforms. In his video message, the head of the corporation, Mark Zuckerberg, said that the company is reviewing its policy regarding limiting user content.
Meta* will abandon fact-checking and censorship of content on its social networks
Author: Akhmed Sadulaev
“We’re going back to our roots and focusing on reducing mistakes, simplifying our policies, and restoring freedom of expression on our platforms,” Zuckerberg said.
In fact, the head of Meta admitted that the corporation is reviewing the censorship policy that has been in place since 2016. The company is moving to a Community Notes model from users, similar to Elon Musk’s X.
The Wall Street Journal believesthat the change in the corporation’s policy is due to Zuckerberg’s desire to improve relations with the elected US President Donald Trump.
For the same reason, the head of Meta invited Trump’s close ally and UFC President Dana White to the company’s board of directors, and also appointed Republican Joel Kaplan to the post of Meta’s head of international relations.
Kaplan has already commented on the company’s policy review and said it wants to “eliminate mission creep that has made our policies too restrictive and prone to over-policing.”
In January 2021, Donald Trump’s Facebook and Instagram accounts were temporarily suspended. Mark Zuckerberg explained this by the need to ensure a peaceful transfer of power to the election winner Joe Biden and “great risks if Trump uses” Meta services.
*The Meta company and its Facebook and Instagram members are recognized as extremist organizations whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation.