Metin Arolat’s difficult life: His brother’s tragic death, Lape days, his success in the talent exam..

Turkish pop music artist Metin Arolat fell ill while performing at a venue in Istanbul and passed away at the age of 52. Arolat, who made a name for himself in the 1990s with his hit songs and the music videos of cult figures such as pop star Tarkan, was among the names that left their mark on the music world.

He lost his brother in a traffic accident

The famous singer had been a guest on Armağan Çağlayan’s YouTube channel in recent years and told unknown things about his life. Arolat, who said that the death of his older brother Demir Arolat had caused a great trauma for him, said, “I still can’t sleep every night without talking to my brother. Because as far as I know, I was a spoiled sibling until that age, and I was born late. My older brother was studying at university, and I had just started university.”

Metin Arolat, who also explained how he received the news of his brother’s death in the program, said:

* At that time, I was in a summer house in Ayvalık with my mother and father. Our neighbor came, I didn’t even understand why he came. He said, “Your brother had an accident.” I perceived it as, there was a shelf in my brother’s student house, did he fall and hurt his finger? Your mother wasn’t with him, would it be okay if you went home?” He said. I went home, my father was listening on the radio. News of an accident, names were being read. “What happened?” I said, dad, “Demir had an accident,” he said. But there is still no death in our lives, you never think about it.

* Just as I was realizing what was happening, the downstairs neighbor said, “Your sister Metin is calling.” I went and answered the phone. My sister said, screaming, “Don’t let my father know, Demir is dead.” But I don’t want to let my father know. My idol, my brain was numb again at that moment. I shouldn’t let my father know, my father was also unwell at the time.

Did he commit suicide?

Metin Arolat, who said that his psychology was in turmoil at that moment and remained so afterwards, also explained the following regarding the news in the press at that time that he had committed suicide:

* Of course, I fell into depression, not suicide. I still couldn’t get over the periods when I lost my brother and my father one after the other. That’s what I call depression. I pretty much shut myself away. I didn’t leave the house for six months, I didn’t shave for six months, I didn’t shower. And I didn’t want my mother to notice.

* It wasn’t suicide, it was because I needed treatment that I was admitted to Lape by my friends. I was starting to break down at that time. I wasn’t answering the phone, I was staring at the walls. Depression is a strange thing. I was in bed for 10-15 days.

He passed the talent exam with first place

Metin Arolat, who stated that he wanted to study Fine Arts when he reached university age and that he was interested in the cinema and television department, said, “That year, they accepted me for the first time with a score and a very high score. In fact, it was my first choice, my second choice was dentistry. It was such a score, just think about it, my second choice was dentistry.”

Arolat, who stated that he got into business administration and took the exam again in the second year and passed the talent exam with first place, continued as follows:

* But in the meantime, I lost my brother in a traffic accident. We, as a family, are devastated. My parents said, “Son, finish this school, you are in your last two years.” They don’t know that I didn’t take any exams, I was expelled from school. I have no interest in it. I have zero math. And the numerical aspects I am not interested in; numerical things, money… I only have music, visuals, it came from my childhood. I finished the whole school by cheating in the other two years.
