Mexican President says she did not invite Felipe VI because he did not respond to AMLO’s letter demanding an apology

The president-elect of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaumexplained this Wednesday that He had invited the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and not King Felipe VI to his inauguration next October 1st because the The monarch did not respond to the letter he sent her the current president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obradorin 2019 demanding a public apology from Spain for its colonial past.

In a statement posted on her social media, Sheinbaum explained that Last July “a diplomatic note was sent” inviting Sánchez to the inauguration and in fact she herself spoke with the head of the Executive “a couple of days ago” about this matter.

The president-elect recalled that the current tenant of Los Pinos sent a letter to Felipe VI in March 2019 in which, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of independence in 2021stated that “the Kingdom of Spain expresses in a public and official manner the recognition of the grievances caused” during the Conquest.

“Unfortunately, this letter did not merit any direct response, as would have been appropriate. best diplomatic practice of bilateral relations“, he lamented.
