MHP’s ‘Family Institution Workshop’ final report has been announced – Last Minute Politics News

The Family Institution 2024 Workshop, organized by the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) on 14-15 September, was followed by a final report press conference. Speaking at the program, MHP Deputy Chairman Ahmet Selim Yurdakul said that their main goal is to prevent harm to every part of the family and said, “In order to serve our country in this regard, as the Nationalist Movement Party, we decided to hold this Workshop upon the instructions of our Chairman Devlet Bahçeli.”

President Yurdakul emphasized that the vision of the Workshop is a strong Turkish family structure, a healthy society and Türkiye as a leading country.

Stating that 142 scientists attended the workshop, Yurdakul said, “142 scientists were here, among these scientists were academicians, politicians, experts, non-governmental organizations, representatives from associations, federations and foundations, and business people. We completed our Workshop with 12 expert groups at 12 tables on 12 different topics. “As you can see here, we tried to organize our Workshop with 12 different institutions that concern the family institution, and we decided to present our report, which emerged after this Workshop, to the service of the Turkish nation in 3 volumes in detail.”


Yurdakul, who mentioned that they grouped the risks brought by social and demographic changes and the family title under two groups, said, “The first is protective suggestions, the second is curative strengthening suggestions and protective preventive suggestions. In order to increase the awareness that families face in social life, all relevant parties, especially the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Family Social Services, are informed.” Family education programs should be developed and implemented in cooperation with institutions. Another important factor is the education process, we decided to examine it in two parts, before and after marriage, and it was suggested that this training should be modular, especially communication within the family, socialization of children, family law, financial education, spouse selection, marital relations and sexual and reproductive health. . Of course, among the protective and preventive suggestions, traditional cultural products such as lullabies and children’s games should be updated and included in family education curricula, especially in order to restructure cultural values. “In addition, there should be at least one counseling center in each district within the Ministry of Family and Social Services, and the effectiveness of these centers should be increased,” he said.

Yurdakul stated that among the remedial and strengthening suggestions, a social risk map should be prepared to identify families at socio-economic risk, and that non-governmental organizations working to strengthen the family should be given public benefit association status, against non-governmental organizations that are opposed to the family.

Talking about the importance of informing about reproductive health, Yurdakul said, “Another important issue is that of informing about reproductive health both in the world and in our country. As you all know, the age of marriage in our country has reached the age of 29 and unfortunately, 85% of the egg reserve of our 35-year-old women is lost at the age of 35. Therefore, married couples should be informed by experts about family planning and reproductive capacity after marriage. After the first birth, expert teams need to provide information about the reproductive potential for the second child. In fact, this training should be given to our children starting from their school years. Because we must protect our future, unfortunately the fertility rate in our country has dropped to 1.5, so this threatens our country. In order to renew the population of a country, that is, to maintain security, peace and stability, this rate must be at least 2.1, so currently in our country this rate is 1.5 and is decreasing. “So, what do we need to do for this? We need to develop financial policies that will encourage having children,” he said.

Yurdakul said:

“Working mothers who give birth should be provided with two months of paid leave before birth, paid leave for the first six months after birth, the second six months when flexible and remote working models are used and breastfeeding leave is given, and two years of unpaid leave if the mother wishes. In addition, child care centers that provide night service should be established, and the costs of child care centers should be adjusted in a way that does not disrupt the economic structure of families. Safe, flexible and remote working models should be encouraged, a vocational training structure suitable for workforce needs should be effectively activated in secondary education, and sexual and reproductive health information should be included in school curricula.”


Pointing out that one of the most important problems is LGBT, Yurdakul said, “One of the most important problems we all face is gender neutralization and LGBT. Here are our suggestions and our fight against propaganda on this subject. First of all, the definition of family needs to be updated. It will now be appropriate to add the phrases man and woman to the definition of family in the Constitution. “In addition, it is appropriate to monitor and control the movies and TV series broadcast on digital platforms, and parents should be provided with educational programs to develop a healthy sexual identity in accordance with their children’s birth gender,” he said.
