Microsoft masquerades Bing as Google

If you use Bing without being signed in to your Microsoft account and searching for Googleyou get a box with an interface that is identical to Google’s own search engine. When you get to the page, you are also automatically scrolled down one step, which hides the search box at the top and the Microsoft Bing icon next to it.

This is what Bing’s search box usually looks like.


This is what the box looks like if you search for Google.

The results also show links to other Google services, which can make it easy to think you’re actually using a different search engine. It’s notable that Bing only uses this interface when you’re searching Google. Many interpret this as Microsoft trying to trick users into thinking they’re using Google – even Google’s own Chrome manager, Parisa Tabriz.

Impersonation is the sincerest form of flattery, but Microsoft spoofing the Google site is yet another tactic in a long history of attempts to confuse users and limit choice. – Parisa Tabriz.

It’s no secret that Microsoft has long tried to make Bing more attractive. The new design for Google searches can be seen as a further step in that direction.
