Mikro Pallas Theatre: The two new shows coming in October

Two new shows will start in October at Mikro Pallas theater. It’s about “Luv” Murray Sisgal’s award-winning comedy, presented by October 14 directed by Evdokimos Tsolakidis as well as the show “The right, the left and Mr. Pantelis” directed by Stamatis Fassoulis, which will be presented from October 18, 2024.


The “triangle” of the protagonists consists of: Ilias Valassis, Elisavet Moutafi, Giorgos Pyrpasopoulos.


It is a play that satirizes the intellectual clique, pokes fun at the self-centeredness of our culture, touches on the sensitive issues of loneliness and existential anguish, sneers, pokes fun at itself, and gives plenty of laughs.

In the search for their inner identity and absolute love, the heroes of “LAV” move with ease from despair to excitement and from suicide to murder, revealing the comic side that is always present in the personal drama of each of us.


Performance ID

“Luv” by Murray Sisgal
Translation: Elena Lanara
Directed by: Evdokimos Tsolakidis
Scenography-Costumes: Hara Kontaxakis
Lighting: Christos Giogas
Assistant director: Elena Lanara
Contact Address: Elina Lazaridou, lazaridou@a-th.gr
Communication Department: Irini Tsika
Social Media: Margarita Marmaras
Production: Athenian Theatres

They play in alphabetical order:

Ilias Valassis, Elizabeth Moutafi, Giorgos Pyrpasopoulos.

Mikro Pallas Theatre

Amerikis 2 Stoa Spiros Miliou
Constitution, Athens
Phone: 210 3210025

Days & Times of shows

Monday and Tuesday: 20:00

Ticket prices:

VIP (1st and 2nd row) all days: 25 Euro
Diazomata A’+B’+C’: 18 Euro
Student, Unemployed, Children (up to 12 years old), Disabled (without mobility problems): 16 Euro
Performance duration: 90 minutes

Tickets: more.combyviva, at the call center of the Athenian Theaters 211.1000.365 and at the Aliki Theater, Amerikis 4, Athens: 2103210021

For Group Bookings: Kostas Baltas- Iota Karaiskou 211-1026277 & 210-2117240 (ext: 305), Mon-Fri: 10:00 – 19:00
Email of the Group Reservations Department: reservations@a-th.gr

“The Right, the Left and Mr. Pantelis” directed by Stamatis Fasoulis

Stamatis Fasoulis directs and stars in the spartan comedy “The right, the left and Mr. Pantelis” by Alekos Sakellarios and Christos Giannakopoulos, at Mikro Pallas! With him on stage: Eleni Kastani, George Depastas, Despina Polykandritou, George Vourdamis, Apostolos Kamitsakis, George Korombilis, Maria Karava. The premiere of the show is scheduled for Friday, October 18.

The case:

The play presents the course of a family that, from the liberation, passes through the Decembriana and ends after the Treaty of Varkiza. This is a historical moment that is not certain if it exists in any other comedy in the Greek theater. These are events that have been seen from many angles, but perhaps for the first time, we see them through the eyes of two leading authors, such as Alekos Sakellarios and Christos Giannakopoulos.

“The comedy “The right, the left and Mr. Pantelis” is liberating and in fact it is the only one written for December!
This is a timeless project! A real gem”! says the director.

The two writers have skilfully transferred the topicality of the post-war era to the stage of the theater, as the unpleasant reality of a people is reflected in the four walls of a small-town house that has also been divided in two, like all of Greece.

“The Right and the Left and Mr. Pantelis” is the second work of a potential trilogy, which includes the comedy “The Germans Are Back”, which was written during the Civil War and “Rough Landing” staged for the first time by the Art Theater by Karolos Koon and later, in the 60’s, it was presented by Lambros Konstandara’s troupe under the title “There is and honorable”, which was later transferred with great success to the cinema.

In the performance at Mikro Pallas, Stamatis Fasoulis plays Mr. Pantelis and Eleni Kastani plays his wife, Athena. Apostolos Kamitsakis is Stavros, the right son and George Vourdamis is Kostas, the left son.

Mr. Sotiris, the friend of Mr. Pantelis, is played by Giorgos Depastas.

Despina Polykandritou interprets the “maid” of the house, Frosso and also sings the songs of the show.
Giorgos Korombilis interprets the militia and the national guard as two sides of the same coin.
The same is also the case with Fofo the elassite and Pipitsa the nationalist, who are interpreted by Maria Karava.

“The right, the left and Mr. Pantelis” was presented for the first time in 1946 by the Kotopoulis Troupe at the Rex theater, with Vassilis Logothetidis as the protagonist.

Performance ID

Alekos Sakellarios – Christos Giannakopoulos
The right, the left and Mr. Pantelis
Directed by: Stamatis Fasoulis
Sets-Costumes: Paris Mexis
Lighting: Christos Giogas
Assistant director: Emilia Karantzoulis
Stage designer’s assistant: Melpo Kasapidou
Costume designer assistant: Eleftheria Petrova
We sincerely thank set designer and costume designer Georgina Germanou for her support.
Performance photos: Giorgos Kavallierakis
Contact Address: Elina Lazaridou, lazaridou@a-th.gr
Communication Department: Irini Tsika
Social Media: Margarita Marmaras
Production: Athenian Theatres

They play:

Stamatis Fasoulis, Eleni Kastani, George Depastas, Despina Polykandritou, George Vourdamis, Apostolos Kamitsakis, George Korombilis, Maria Karava.

Performance duration: 90′

Mikro Pallas Theatre
Amerikis 2 Stoa Spiros Miliou
Constitution, Athens
Phone: 210 3210025

Show days & times:
Wednesday, Sunday: 20:00
Thursday, Friday: 21:00
Saturday: 18:00, 21:00

Ticket prices:

Weekdays & Sunday- VIP1 : 30 Euro, VIP2 : 25 Euro, A’ Zone : 22 Euro, B’ + C Zone : 20 Euro, Student, Unemployed, Disabled (without mobility problems), Children (up to 12 years) in zones B ‘ + C’ : 18 Euro.

Saturday evening- VIP: 30 Euros, A’ Zone: 25 Euros, B’ + C’ Zones: 20 Euros.

Saturday afternoon: VIP: 30 Euros, Zone A: 20 Euros, Zones B’+ C’: 18 Euros.

Student, Unemployed, Disabled (without mobility problems), Children (up to 12 years old) in zones B’ + C’: 16 Euros.

Tickets: more.combyviva, at the call center of the Athenian Theaters 211.1000.365 and at TheatroAlikis, Amerikis 4, Athens: 2103210021

For Group Bookings:
Kostas Baltas – Iota Karaiskou: 211-1026277 & 210-2117240 (ext. 305) Mon-Fri: 10:00 – 19:00.

Email of the Group Reservations Department: reservations@a-th.gr

Source: www.zougla.gr