Milan’s Area C changes for the worse, here are the new limits

Milan Area C is getting ready to ban access to Euro 3 petrol cars from 1 October 2024The measure is included in the calendar of progressive bans to reduce pollution in the city centre, with a one-year exemption for residents within the ZTL.

Nico Ruge via Unsplash

This new ban It is added to those already in force for the most polluting cars, such as Euro 0, 1 and 2 petrol cars and various categories of diesel vehicles. The goal is to improve air quality in the heart of Milan, encouraging the use of more eco-friendly means of transport.

The calendar of future bans

The restrictions plan does not stop there. In the coming years, Area C will progressively close its gates to increasingly broader categories of vehicles:

  • From 1 October 2027: Euro 4 petrol
  • From 1 October 2028: Euro 6 diesel ABC
  • From 1 October 2029: Euro 6 diesel D_TEMP and D
  • From 1 October 2030: Euro 5 petrol

Among the vehicles exempted from paying the ticket are electric cars, low-emission hybrids, vehicles for the disabled and vehicles directed to the emergency room. For everyone else, the daily ticket costs 7.5 euros, reduced to 3 euros for residents after the 51st entry.

Opening hours and possible changes

Currently, The cameras in Area C are active from 7.30am to 7.30pmfrom Monday to Friday. However, the mayor Beppe Hall has anticipated possible changes for the 2025: “Entrance to Area C will also be subject to a fee on Saturday and Sunday”.

Joshi Milestoner via Unsplash


This evolution of the ZTL in Milan is part of a broader context of urban policies aimed at reducing pollution and improving the liveability of historic centers. Many other Italian cities are adopting similar measures, adapting them to their own needs and urban characteristics.
