Minister Tekin: We lightened our curriculum

Speaking at the “Türkiye Meetings” program organized by the AK Party Adıyaman Provincial Directorate in a hotel, Tekin expressed his satisfaction in being in the city and wished God’s mercy to those who lost their lives in the earthquake.

Emphasizing that they aim to increase the number of classrooms in the cities affected by the earthquake by 10 percent compared to before the disaster, Tekin stated that the number of classrooms in Adıyaman will be 420 more in this context.


Referring to the new education curriculum, Minister Tekin continued as follows:

“We have completely transformed our educational achievements, curriculum and programs into skills. I do not say this as a criticism, 20-30 years ago, the only source of information for our children was school and textbooks. Access to information was difficult, so we constantly told our children to include this, this, and this in the curriculum.” On average, our country’s curriculum has reached twice the size of the curriculum in equivalent countries. When the curriculum reaches twice the size, our children and teachers fail because we want them to teach twice as much as they can in a limited time. We prepared a new curriculum by saying that we should teach our children what is taught in other countries of the world. We lightened our curriculum by at least 35 percent. I say we made it lighter, we do not remove anything because it is not scientific, we do it because it is pedagogical for this child. This information is not suitable for this age group. He/she should get this knowledge in associate’s degree, bachelor’s degree or other programs. “

Tekin stated that they included concepts such as respect, compassion and love of nation in the new curriculum.

Emphasizing that an education curriculum has been put into practice that everyone who is Turkish will be proud of, Tekin said, “We started the new curriculum in the 1st, 5th and 9th grades in the 2024-2025 academic year. Next year, the 2nd, 6th and 10th grades will be added to them, 4 years later “The new curriculum will be implemented at all educational levels and in all our classes.” he said.

Minister Tekin then visited Adıyaman Governorship and met with Governor Osman Varol.
