Ministers of the economies of the Western Balkans gathered within the framework of the Berlin Process: Focus on regional economic integration

Ministers of the economies of the Western Balkans gathered yesterday in Berlin to mark ten years of the Berlin Process and set the future agenda.

Danijela Gačević, acting director of the CEFTA Secretariat, attended the conference, which was organized by the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, dr. Robert Habeck.

The conference, which brought together ministers, business leaders and international experts, focused on assessing progress towards the creation of a Common Regional Market. The economic conditions of the region, which is getting closer to European integration, were at the center of the discussions, along with ten important CEFTA trade facilitation decisions awaiting adoption.

Gačević emphasized the importance of these decisions for achieving full freedom of movement of goods and services: “The adoption of these agreements would be an important step towards the Common Regional Market, which is harmonized with EU standards. Each of them represents a package of benefits for companies and consumers, which will bring us closer not only to each other, but also to the European Union. That is why it is crucial that we adopt them as soon as possible.”

Agreements within CEFTA are adopted by the Joint Committee in the form of Decisions, Additional Protocols or Recommendations. Currently, ten such agreements are awaiting adoption in various areas: e-commerce, package delivery services, prevention of unjustified geoblocking, professional qualifications, intellectual property, risk management, travel agency services, motor vehicle insurance, recognition of authorized business entities and settlement of trade disputes.

In the conclusions from the conference, the growing importance of the Western Balkans on the European economic scene is highlighted. Progress in the framework of the Common Regional Market opens the door to the region towards the EU Single Market, taking advantage of the opportunities provided by the European Union Growth Plan.

Ahead of the conference, German and Western Balkan companies gathered at the Business Forum for a B2B event aimed at encouraging joint supply chains and promoting investment opportunities in the region.

Photo: CEFTA

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