Miracle-working traditions, fasting and prayer on October 14, 2024

She was born in the village of Epivata in Thrace, near Constantinople, and lived in the first half of the 11th century. Known in popular lore as “Good Friday”, she was raised in fasting, prayer and almsgiving.

Traditions of Saint Paraskeva

On this day, Orthodox believers fast. Tradition says that you should not eat anything until 12:00, because that is the time when services are held in the churches. It is said that people who eat in the morning, especially non-fasting foods, will have stomach problems.
Saint Parascheva. It is believed that people who eat in the morning, especially non-fast foods, will have stomach problems.

On this day food, must and red wine are distributed to the poor.

Believers must not work, otherwise they will have trouble, accordingly spynews.ro.

Miracle-working prayer for Saint Parascheva

“Lord, our God, You, Who said and made all creation, do not turn Your face away from us sinners, so that the terrible and fearful wrath of pains, which is the fruit of our sins, which in all day, countless, recklessly we commit them.
We are sinful, unworthy, and full of malice; and You are the source of life and mercy. Don’t leave us, God! Do not pass away our prayer, sinners, nor reward us according to our iniquities, but because we are not worthy to earn mercy through daily diligence, bestow it on us as a merciful and Merciful One.

Lord, through the prayers of our Pious Mother Parascheva, grant us health and a life free from all evil, and strengthen us with Your ruling Spirit, as from the depths of our hearts, with joy to glorify Your most holy name forever. Amen!”

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Source: jurnalul.ro